I’m running the AEM forms 6.1 SP1 JEE release. (windows 2k12, Jboss, MySQL) Amazon EC2 instance
My use case is to send email notifications whenever an asset is put through a CQ workflow, or if it is modified.
> To achieve this, i have made smtp configs to the CQ mail service
> Added email address for the target sample user
> Updated the workflow step to ensure that it is sending email notifications
(not sure if i’m missing any other mandatory step)
When i trigger the wokflow, i simply get an error saying:
06.04.2016 21:48:07.162 *ERROR* [pool-16-thread-10-null(null)] com.day.cq.workflow.impl.email.EMailNotificationService error while sending email for com.day.cq.workflow.impl.exec.CQWorkItemWrapper@4d1de032: loader constraint violation: loader (instance of org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "javax/mail/Session"
Seems like the email service fails even before it gets to use my SMTP config.
Can someone please confirm if this is a JEE release specific issue, or if I'm at fault with my steps.