I am trying to build a form with a table. However the cell content needs to expand and span over the pages.
While browsing the forum for a solution, I found an answer where if we wrap the cell in a subform the spanning would work, and it did.
However, in a single row, I am not able to resize the cell to the table height. In just this single row. I am kind of lost.
Attached is the image of the form. I higlighted the gap that is appearing on this single row, the form is around 30 pages, and just this row is behaving this way.
Sorry for the rant but it is driving me crazy.
PS: working on AEM 6.1
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Try to set the top/bottom margin to 0.
Or the one workaround could be set the bottom border of the cell to "None"
Hi there,
I understand your frustration, don't worry about the rant!
Like Vijay said, work with the margins of the cell and subform.
Make sure the subform also expands to fit if applicable.
Is just some setting that you are missing between these 2 elements.
Best of luck,
Thank you both for the quick reply. It really seemed odd, as I had the same margins as the others. I ended up removing the subforms, and somehow it worked. The text is now flowing properly and the cells also break properly. As for the subform, I still don't understand why it would behave this way. When I add some space above the tables and avoid the line break everything was smooth, it was only when there was a line break that the subforms behaved this way.
Anyway, I do appreciate your help.
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