AEM facilitates tags on pages.
In this context, why do we need DTM?
Is DTM combined with Analytics? It very much sounds like Analytics only.
Appreciate your replies.
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Hi Rama,
This question is already answered in Adobe DTM forum,
Dynamic tag management lets marketers quickly and easily manage tags and provides innovative tools for collecting and distributing data across digital marketing systems. Dynamic tag management also enables responsive delivery of user-specific content —providing new levels of agility and control to companies seeking to thrive in today’s fast paced digital marketplace.For more business use cases see the following link : https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/dtm/c_overview.html
Basically You can create Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) solutions that integrate with these Digital Marketing products: Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, and Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM).Please see the following link for more information on integrating AEM with DTM, Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target
1. AEM facilitates specifying tags on pages to help search. What is AEM tag and what is DTM Tag? We understand the new by mapping it with the known right? //Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), is a comprehensive content management platform solution for building websites, mobile apps and forms - making it easy to manage your marketing content and assets However DTM is basically a tag management system i.e. Tag to track CTA (Call to action) , content consumption and interactions,
2. When I read DTM functionality, it resembles that of Adobe Analytics. Both DTM and Analytics use Java script code to post values from pages to the target.
Why cant we live with Analytics? Why do we need DTM? // Earlier we used to manually implement Adobe Analytics tag i.e. snippets of Analytics code on a webpage and it required coding knowledge However through DTM ,marketers who don't have much knowledge about coding can implement and effectively manage tags through DTM. DTM and Adobe Are inter-related i.e. DTM provides an easyand effective way to implement DTM tags
3. When you say " tools for collecting and distributing data across digital marketing systems", are we saying that DTM would collect data from one of Adobe marketing Systems like AEM or Adobe Campaign and passes this data to other Adobe marketing cloud products like Target and Media Optimizer? //Yes, Absolutely
4. Is it like a message passing agent? //Please be more specific about same
5. Please direct me a specific real time use case.and guide me to understand how DTM helps to surmount Business challenge.// Please refer to the following document for more specific use cases- http://www.searchdiscovery.com/adobe-dtm/tag-management-use-cases/
PS:- We are clearing un-answered questions.
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Hi Rama,
This question is already answered in Adobe DTM forum,
Dynamic tag management lets marketers quickly and easily manage tags and provides innovative tools for collecting and distributing data across digital marketing systems. Dynamic tag management also enables responsive delivery of user-specific content —providing new levels of agility and control to companies seeking to thrive in today’s fast paced digital marketplace.For more business use cases see the following link : https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/dtm/c_overview.html
Basically You can create Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) solutions that integrate with these Digital Marketing products: Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, and Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM).Please see the following link for more information on integrating AEM with DTM, Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target
1. AEM facilitates specifying tags on pages to help search. What is AEM tag and what is DTM Tag? We understand the new by mapping it with the known right? //Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), is a comprehensive content management platform solution for building websites, mobile apps and forms - making it easy to manage your marketing content and assets However DTM is basically a tag management system i.e. Tag to track CTA (Call to action) , content consumption and interactions,
2. When I read DTM functionality, it resembles that of Adobe Analytics. Both DTM and Analytics use Java script code to post values from pages to the target.
Why cant we live with Analytics? Why do we need DTM? // Earlier we used to manually implement Adobe Analytics tag i.e. snippets of Analytics code on a webpage and it required coding knowledge However through DTM ,marketers who don't have much knowledge about coding can implement and effectively manage tags through DTM. DTM and Adobe Are inter-related i.e. DTM provides an easyand effective way to implement DTM tags
3. When you say " tools for collecting and distributing data across digital marketing systems", are we saying that DTM would collect data from one of Adobe marketing Systems like AEM or Adobe Campaign and passes this data to other Adobe marketing cloud products like Target and Media Optimizer? //Yes, Absolutely
4. Is it like a message passing agent? //Please be more specific about same
5. Please direct me a specific real time use case.and guide me to understand how DTM helps to surmount Business challenge.// Please refer to the following document for more specific use cases- http://www.searchdiscovery.com/adobe-dtm/tag-management-use-cases/
PS:- We are clearing un-answered questions.
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