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Streamlining AEM Instance Setup and Incremental Builds with Gradle AEM Plugin | AEM Community Blog Seeding





Streamlining AEM Instance Setup and Incremental Builds with Gradle AEM Plugin by Kiran Sg


Problem Statement:
How to set up an AEM instance in one click?

Can I perform incremental builds on the Maven project?

Gradle AEM Plugin (GAP) developed by Wunderman Thompson Technology uses Gradle as a building tool.

Advantages of Gradle:
1. Flexibility

2. Performance

Incrementality — tracks the tasks, watches file changes and runs only what is necessary.
Build Cache — Reuses the build outputs of any other Gradle build with the same inputs.
Gradle Daemon — A long-lived process that keeps building information “hot” in memory.
3. User experience

How to get started?
Step 1: Create the project outside the Desktop, Documents and Downloads folder to avoid all kinds of setup issues.

Step 2: Create a new project structure using an AEM archetype (using the latest archetype of the below example) you can also run on your current project if it follows the Adobe archetype

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Streamlining AEM Instance Setup and Incremental Builds with Gradle AEM Plugin


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