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AEM and PIM systems integration


Level 9



AEM and PIM systems integration




When it comes to showcasing products on the website it is always a challenging thing to achieve. On top of this, having the website hosted on Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) makes no exception when it comes to extra challenges. Au contraire, we might face additional particularities that we need to address and pay attention to.

Let's dive in together in couple of system architectures solutions, explore how involved services interact and communicate which each other, and how data can be ingested, enhanced and consumed.


Key aspects

- Usual context and need within the client's digital ecosystem
- Thinking process to navigate through roadblocks and setbacks
- Architecture overview and couple of real-life architectures designs
- System services specializations, responsibilities and integrations

Full article

Access this link to read the full article: https://tethich.com/blog/aem/aem-and-pim-systems-integration


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1 Comment


Level 10


This just sounded too familiar... xD Now I know who you are @Tethich. Nice article!