I encountered a problem in that the temporary folder tmp is filled with temporary files but is not cleared automatically. The folder size is 20 gigabytes and these files fill all the space, this prevents the publication of content on publish nodes.
Files have names like this:
What could be the reason?
Thank you in advance.
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Hi @aliaksandr_hvoz ,
This usually happens when your application is creating these temp files, but you have not taken care of removing these files yourself. AEM takes care of the OOTB functionality and clears off the tmp files thus created. But if you are creating these files in your implementation, then you have to clear the same by yourself. It could be generation of custom email template, creating a JSON file for posting it to 3rd party APIs. Can you check if any such code exists in your implementation?
-Vikas Chaudhary
These files were deleted automatically, but after January 1st this no longer happens.
Hi @aliaksandr_hvoz
Could you please check https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/could-not-build-package-qu...
@aliaksandr_hvoz were you able to sort this up?
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Thanks for your continued support on AEL community...
I also facing same issue, and in my case it is the Daily Maintainance Job that is causing this issue. I have 2 tasks in my Daily Maintenance job created long back, as below,
1. Revision Cleanup.
2. LuceneBinaries Cleanup.
The first task results in successful completion, but the second task takes(LuceneBinaries Cleanup) too long to complete, almost an hour.
While it is executing, I observe exactly 6 temporary files getting generated in /tmp folder each of 18gb. My /tmp folder size is 100gb, seems like the job needs more than 100gb space to complete. Because it does not get, the job results into failure without given /tmp files getting cleaned-up.
Could you please suggest what could be the issue?
I just speculate/suspect, if there is any kind of files/nodes under /var/audit e.g. /var/audit/com.day.cq.wcm.core.page OR /var/audit/com.day.cq.dam OR /var/audit/com.day.cq.replication needs to be cleaned/purged through nay OOTP AEM utility?
Hi @PrasannaMo
It could be that the indexing is calculated again on whole repository and store in the tmp folder because the cleanup process identifies and removes unused or obsolete binaries from the repository.
It involves the following steps:
I would suggest to check with Adobe by opening a case with them.
Hi @arunpatidar
Thanks for your response. I see the LuceneBinaries Cleanup task in the daily maintenance succeeds. But we have 2 issues
1. It consumes /tmp folder to store the .tmp files and occupies almost 100% space.
2. It completes successfully after running for few hours, but the .tmp files doesn't get deleted automatically.
I have raised an Adobe support ticket though.
Hi @arunpatidar @aliaksandr_hvoz @VijayEnagandula @VikasChaudhary_
I got a fix from Adobe Support(Rohith Venati) on this..Default value of the property "blobTrackSnapshotIntervalInSecs" from "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.SegmentNodeStoreService" was the root cause. I was advised to set it to ZERO, tested this multiple times on multiple Cloned PROD Author instances and moved to PROD last week. And the issue is no more there, the task that used to consume 10+ hours is now compleing within few seconds.
Hello Guys, I' m curious does this issue had any resolution yet.?
We're have same issue on our sites author and its publishers 1/2/3.