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How to hit a servlet using selector when resourceType is a component I created which is not page


Level 4

I'm using AEM 6.3

My servlet config is

@Component(service= Servlet.class,
                Constants.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION + "=Example Servlet",
                "sling.servlet.methods=" + HttpConstants.METHOD_GET,
                "sling.servlet.resourceTypes="+ "my-project/components/general/my-component ",
                "sling.servlet.extensions=" + "html",
                "sling.servlet.selectors=" + "simple"


As you can see I'm not using a page as a resourceType so I'm a little confused. Can anyone tell me what will be the url to hit on browser so it runs my doGet Method. And yes My servlet works as I have tested it by giving path.


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi @Vinit_Pillai 

Drop my-component in any page and hit that path along with extension and selector with which you registered Servlet. For example

  1. Create a page with name test-page
  2. Drop my-component in that page
  3. copy that path i.e /content/your-project/test-page/par/my-component.selector.extension and hit from browser

selector and extension must be same as you provided in 



View solution in original post

17 Replies


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi @Vinit_Pillai 

Drop my-component in any page and hit that path along with extension and selector with which you registered Servlet. For example

  1. Create a page with name test-page
  2. Drop my-component in that page
  3. copy that path i.e /content/your-project/test-page/par/my-component.selector.extension and hit from browser

selector and extension must be same as you provided in 




Level 4
http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/my_project/homepage/profile-page/test/en.html this is my page when I edit it and add my component. by your suggestion the url will be http://localhost:4502/content/my-project/homepage/profile-page/test/en/par/my-component.selector.extension by hitting this I'm getting 404. am I doing something wrong?


Community Advisor
give a valid extension like html/json/txt. Give extension = "html" and selectors = {"selector"}


Level 4

http://localhost:4502/content/my-project/homepage/profile-page/test/en/par/my-component.simple.html This is what I'm using. I have updated my code in question to be more realistic.


Community Advisor
If you hit http://localhost:4502/content/my-project/homepage/profile-page/test/en/par/my-component.html, showing authored component data?


Level 4
No it says A custom errorhandler for 404 responses


Community Advisor
Can you go to CRXDE and check this path "/content/my-project/homepage/profile-page/test/en/par/my-component" exists or not. If yes check the node has sling:resourceType as "my-project/components/general/my-component"


Level 4
/content/my-project/homepage/profile-page/test/en/jcr:content/par/my_component This is what I found with resourceType as my-component. (There is jcr:content between url)


Community Advisor
My bad, please include jcr:content as well.


Level 4
http://localhost:4502/content/my-project/homepage/profile-page/test/en/jcr:content/par/my_component.simple.html well at least I'm not getting 404 but instead my component.html file is loaded without all the css.


Community Advisor
I see, there is a extra space at the end "sling.servlet.resourceTypes="+ "my-project/components/general/my-component ", remove and try one. Hope this time it works


Level 4

Thanks a lot. Such a silly mistake on my part. I had another question though. since we are talking in the url we see "par" in reality I have 2 parsys with different names. Is there a way to get the servlet working in both pasrs. I mean whichever parsys the author uses


Community Advisor
It will work in any parsys, you just need to copy the component path under /content just like how you did now and hit it with selector and extension. That's it.


Level 4
I have two parsys primary layout and secondary layout both the name of any one is required in url. if I use par instead of their name then I get 404.


Community Advisor
Drop your my-component in parsys which/where you want and then copy that path and hit. Your my-component must be dropped inside your custom parsys.


Level 4
thanks a lot.


Community Advisor

Create a page and add ur component on that page, try to access that page with selectors and extension.

