Hi dear Community,
hope you are having a nice day. Me again with my questions...
In Adobe Brandportal i get all the dynamic media renditions, but what about the image profiles?
Currently i see no option to include my smart-cropped renditions as a download option for the brandportal users.
Does anybody has an idea how to enable the image profile renditions?
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According to the Brand Portal release notes mentioned in the provided link (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-brand-portal/using/introduction/brand-por...), the Renditions panel in Brand Portal does indeed display the smart crop versions of the asset, but it is intentionally designed that the user cannot preview or download them. Similarly, the download dialog shows the smart crop renditions for the selected asset, but downloading them is not possible.
Hi @vikasbharti
Thank you for your reply!
Do you have more insight on why that is intentionally designed so?
What good is it to get the option displayed if there is no preview nor download option to it?
Might this be added later on?
Also, in my Renditions panel in Brand Portal, i do not get the display of the smart crops.
Do i have to add a checkbox somewhere?
The design was not intentional but rather a result of limitations. It was not initially part of the product design; instead, it was added to prevent any disruptions to the functioning features of BP. Some issues arose where the asset detail page would not open correctly, and regular downloads were not working when assets from DM with smart crop were published to BP. To address these problems, the option was introduced as a workaround.
To access these options, you must configure DM on Brand Portal [0]. Additionally, the AEM instance that publishes assets to BP should have the same DM configuration, and the assets should have the Image profile (smart crop) applied to display them on BP. However, it's important to note that these options are not helpful, as neither the preview nor the download functionality will work.
Thank you again for the reply.
To have a not working option displayed will not help anybody, as you said.
So to provide a BP-User with cropped renditions we would need to crop the assets manualy and add them as a extra rendition? This would be missing the point of having those smart crop renditions in the first place.
Do you think this will be a working feature sometimes in the future?
Hi @vikasbharti ,
do you know if there is any plan to enable Brand Portal users to benefit from the smart crops in the future?