Hi everyone, good afternoon.
We have a custom bundle that wires up the whole AWS SDK OSGI package and export it, so the other part of application can take advantage of the AWS SDK as well. This is working properly, we have an AEM preprocessor that pushes some data to AWS CloudSearch.
I'm trying to take advantage of that bundle that is already installed and running on upper environments, but I'm struggling with it and it seems that AEM is not finding the correct resolution for some classes, it gives me the NoClassDefFoundError error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration
at com.amazonaws.ClientConfigurationFactory.getDefaultConfig(ClientConfigurationFactory.java:46) [com.xxx.aws.cloudsearch.xxx-cloudsearch-bundle:3.0.1]
at com.amazonaws.ClientConfigurationFactory.getConfig(ClientConfigurationFactory.java:36) [com.xxx.aws.cloudsearch.xxx-cloudsearch-bundle:3.0.1]
at com.amazonaws.services.cloudfront.AmazonCloudFrontClient.<init>(AmazonCloudFrontClient.java:140) [com.xxx.aws.cloudsearch.xxx-cloudsearch-bundle:3.0.1]
My pom.xml looks like the follwing image, I also added an image of how the dependency was resolved properly by AEM (/system/console/bundles)
Anyone have an idea? Thank you.