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Titles in 360 video using Skybox not showing


Level 1

Hey guys,

So I am editing a 360 video using skybox.  I created the titles using skybox composer, the problem is that when I go to the output Precomp I can't see most of the titles and some titles appear cut off.  When I check in the Precomp that actually has the titles they are all there.

Can someone tell me what is going on?

I've restarted the computer and this made some titles appeared but after a while they were not showing again.

I've searched tutorials and forums but there's really nothing much out there in regards to trouble shooting, Mettle is not very helpful either.

I am using AE cc, and Skybox Studio V2, on a MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.5.

Thanks for your help

3 Replies


Level 1

I have the same issue. After rendering out of AE in ProRes three times, the titles are cut off in totally different parts in each export, so I can only assume it's a bug.

If anyone has found a workaround please advise...



Level 1

Ok I realised what the problem is. If the text you've added is not actually visible within the frame of the 'edit' composition at any given point in the video, it is not rendered in the 'output' composition.

I don't know if this is a Mettle bug or my mistake (I imagine the latter), but either way it's annoying and as I'm on a deadline I've had to move some of my text around just to make sure it's all in the Edit frame when I render the Output comp.

Will update if I realise what's wrong.



Level 1

Anyone on this>>?? I have the same problem, and I can't find a work around..