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How validator in SDK and Cloud works?


Level 3



We have a tenant with this Cloud AEM Version


I downloaded the SDK for local development AEM SDK v2023.9.13665.20230927T063259Z-230800.
When I executed validator form my dispatcher project configuration failed because it said that there was changes in inmutable files in particular default.vhost file. The report said something about a CORS section 
################## Start of CORS specific configuration ##################
SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('Origin') == ''"  CORSType=none CORSProcessing=false
SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('Origin') != ''"  CORSType=cors CORSProcessing=true CORSTrusted=false
SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('Access-Control-Request-Method') == '' && %{REQUEST_METHOD} == 'OPTIONS' && req_novary('Origin') != ''  " CORSType=invalidpreflight CORSProcessing=false
SetEnvIfExpr "req_novary('Access-Control-Request-Method') != '' && %{REQUEST_METHOD} == 'OPTIONS' && req_novary('Origin') != ''  " CORSType=preflight CORSProcessing=true CORSTrusted=false
SetEnvIfExpr "
I checked the dispatcher in the SDK and indeed there was a new specific section with this configuration in the default.vhost file of the archetype that comes like example in the SDK.
I pushed the changes and ran the pipeline but if failed saying about changes in inmutable default.vhost ????????? 
Same versions in local and cloud but validator behaves different.
So, I went back the changes in the defaul.vhost and the pipeline worked !!!!!!!
I don´t understand. Can anybody explain me how is the behavior os this tool??????
Thanks in advance.
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