The Experience Cloud Community values genuine and high-quality contributions from its members. With the rise of Generative AI technologies, we acknowledge the opportunities and challenges they present. This document outlines our guidelines to ensure the responsible use of AI-generated content while...
Hi!Anyone knows if there's a way to opt-out the AMCV(S) cookies by a direct action of the users? Something like an external link where to click.Thanks a lot.Maurizio
Hi Team,I have been reading a lot of stuff on understanding how visitor identification happens in Experience Cloud solutions - specifically Adobe Analytics. I am clear with the back end request calls between ID service and Data Collection server for creating Marketing cloud visitor ID within or acro...
Hello! My name is Kerry Nelson and I am a Global Team Lead and a SME for SSO for the Cloud, I oversee the Digital Marketing side of the Cloud for such products like Analytics, Target, Audience Manager, Campaign, Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Media Optimizer, Dynamic Tag Manager, etc. I have worked...
Hi,I'm trying to to implement visitorapi.js outside of DTM and I'm getting the following error:VisitorAPI.js:6 Uncaught ReferenceError: Visitor is not defined at Object.<anonymous> (VisitorAPI.js:6) at Object.n.3../ChildVisitor (VisitorAPI.js:7) at r (VisitorAPI.js:1) at e (VisitorAPI.js...
I can not get edited images from LR5 to plug-in folders like Photoshop 11 and Nik software. I keep getting this alert, "Lightroom was unable to prepare the selected file at /Volumes/Elements/ for editing." Should I save the most recent LR5 catalog settings then uninstall the entire LR5 program after...
BONJOURje souhaite obtenir la certification Adobe sur Photoshop.quelqu un peut il me donner la marche à suivre pour suivre la formation, s il y a ?merci