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Using AEP API to retrieve metadata for standard and custom schemas/classes


Level 3


Hi, I am quite new using AEP and the API.

I configured Postman as indicated in this document: Set up Developer Console and Postman | Adobe Experience Platform

I managed to successfully run oAuth: Request Access Token (from Identity Management Service collection).

I also listed the classes using Schema registry API -> Classes -> List Classes (CONTAINER_ID=global) from Adobe Experience Platform collection and it lists the classes I also see in the UI.

I also want to see the custom classes - defined by me in the UI - and tried the same Schema registry API -> Classes -> List Classes with CONTAINER_ID=tenant. However, this time I get an error=403, "GET access denied for this resource from access control". What permission are required for this one to work?

Another question: if I use Schema registry API -> Schemas -> List schemas (CONTAINER_ID=global), it returns a result, but quite honestly, I don't know where that is coming from: the names of the classes in the result payload are nothing that I can see under Schemas in my environment. Any idea what is returned?

2 Replies



Hi Gabriela, 


I'm a member of the Experience Platform documentation team. I hope that some of our product documentation links might help you resolve your issues:


I also want to see the custom classes - defined by me in the UI - and tried the same Schema registry API -> Classes -> List Classes with CONTAINER_ID=tenant. However, this time I get an error=403, "GET access denied for this resource from access control". What permission are required for this one to work?

I think that for the first question the answer likely lies with missing permissions to access that specific resource.

See these docs for help:




Maybe giving the API user access to the View Schemas and/or Manage Schemas would help. Be sure to tell the developer to read those docs/view the video carefully since I think there is a nuance about giving the API user the required access permissions.


Another question: if I use Schema registry API -> Schemas -> List schemas (CONTAINER_ID=global), it returns a result, but quite honestly, I don't know where that is coming from: the names of the classes in the result payload are nothing that I can see under Schemas in my environment. Any idea what is returned?

For the second question, do these links help clarify?




Best regards,



Level 3

Hi Victor, thanks for your reply. Part of the question - related the permission to see custom schemas and classes - that was resolved, I can now list everything.

I will check the links you provided for second part and I will let you know.