Hey all, first of all, sorry if this is the wrong place, I wasn't sure whether to post here or in one of the AEM channels.
Now, I'm trying to move away from Docker for various reasons, and I'm looking into Podman as it seems to be a drop in replacement for Docker, but I haven't been quite able to make it work for me.
Running script /docker_entrypoint.d/80-frontend-domain.sh
Wed Sep 4 07:22:05 UTC 2024 Monitoring reload trigger file existence at /etc/httpd/reload started
Starting httpd server
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs
I'm aware that (by default) Podman is rootless, and rootless VMs won't allow you to bind on port 80, so I tried to do this:
sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=80
However, this seems to have no effect, regardless of whether I'm running the machine in rootless or rootful state.
Host machine is Windows 11 with WSL2
Alternatively, I'm more than happy to run dispatcher entirely on it's own, but I have no idea how to do that and there's no documentation that I could find to do this.
I found this: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/setup-dispatcher-at-local-... but this also provides no details/links
Thanks everyone in advance