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updating rep:policy via yaml in AEM 6.5


Level 1

I want to update  the permission related to experience fragment  using yaml in AEM 6.5 . I tried like below

- path: /content/experience-fragments
permission: allow
privileges: ${privRead}
repGlob: ""    but it is not updating the existing permissions

I wnat to give read permission only to this path /content/experience-fragments not the child paths .  please help me in resolving this


2 Replies


Community Advisor


Why are you using a YAML file? Can you provide more context on what you are trying to do? I think you could use RepoInit for these tasks, Please check these: 





Hope this helps

Esteban Bustamante


Level 1

Hi we are handing permission through "Netcentric/accesscontroltool" that's why I am using .yaml file and for "/content/experience-fragments" path we have few existing permission (rep:policy) so by default permission is applied for all the child nodes for eg: "/content/experience-fragments/testexperiencefragment" . As per my requirement I want read permission only for /content/experience node. I hope its clear .