We created a integration In the Adobe Developer Console, the projects page: https://console.adobe.io/projects. To get information from ours accounts in our SAM TOOL (snow license manager), but the credentials we currently have in the connector are barely pulling in any information. I have tried to verify this with Adobe customer support, but then send me to the community.
any clues?
I created this way:
1. In the Adobe Developer Console, go to the projects page: https://console.adobe.io/projects
2. Sign in by using an Adobe user account that has Administrator rights.
3. In the upper right part of the page, select the organization that you want to create the
project for.
4. On the Projects tab, select Create new project.
5. A project is created, and a project page is opened.
6. Select Add API.
7. Select User Management API and then select Next.
8. The Create a new service account (JWT) credential view appears.
9. Select Option 1 – Generate a key pair and then select Generate keypair.
10. Certificate and private key are generated by Adobe and an archive containing them is
downloaded to the device.
11. Select Save configured API.
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Could you please let us know which APIs you are using ie which which APIs are in your project?
If this is in regards to the User Management API - please repost your question in our Enterprise & Teams forum here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/enterprise-teams/bd-p/enterprise-and-teams?page=1&sort=latest_replies...
If this is in regards to the User Management API - User Sync Tool please post issues on GitHub here - https://github.com/adobe-apiplatform/user-sync.py/issues . The UST team will pick it up from this queue.
If this in regards to another API, please let us know which one
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