Hey shejadk07,
I would appreciate it, if you could give us more input on what exactly the problem is, as based on what you sent I would say that the action is successfully deployed and ready to be used - you also got your the link, to test your action directly.
@shehjadk07 wrote:
√ Built 1 action(s) for 'dx/excshell/1'
√ Building web assets for 'dx/excshell/1'
√ Deployed 1 action(s) for 'dx/excshell/1'
√ Deploying web assets for 'dx/excshell/1'
Your deployed actions:
web actions:
-> https://323801-aemseismicassetsync-stage.adobeio-static.net/api/v1/web/dx-excshell-1/generic
To view your deployed application:
-> https://323801-aemseismicassetsync-stage.adobeio-static.net/index.html
To view your deployed application in the Experience Cloud shell:
-> https://experience.adobe.com/?devMode=true#/custom-apps/?localDevUrl=https://323801-aemseismicassets...
New Extension Point(s) in Workspace 'Stage': 'dx/excshell/1'
Successful deployment
If you already solved the issue, pls tell us where/what the problem was - maybe someone else got the same, or a similar question.
Best regards,