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Performance Monitoring tool Integration


Level 1

Hi everyone,

I'm curious to know if there's a way to integrate Lighthouse or a similar performance monitoring tool that can clearly identify the JavaScript affecting page load performance. This would help us address performance issues during the development stage before the code is migrated to production.


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1 Reply


Level 9

Hi @Bharkavi_R 

depends on which tool you are talking about? In general, sure you can place a script like lighthouse on your website to measure the data. You will still need to capture and track it e.g., in Adobe Analytics or a DB.

Also keep in mind that this kind of tools should be loaded as early as possible on the page, meaning if you are loading it through an asynchronous Launch integration, this may be quite late already and I would rather recommend a synchronous integration as high up in the <head> as possible. You will still be able to pick up the measured data later.


Maybe worthwhile having a look at DebugBear which I have quite good experiences with. It allows a combination of externally run "lab" tests (without a script on your page, just set up and crawled from a SaaS service), as well as placing a script on your page that does the real user  performance measurements.

