I am trying to download data from public accessible file url also downloading data has been scheduled(For every 15minutes) in ACC but at one point of time I got below error.
Also, I have trigger which will run for every 1 hour in headless app.
14/09/2021 19:15:49 httpTransfer HTTP reply 503: CRL-290046 Service Unavailable - The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
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@Naveen_Srinivas - it's unclear to me where you got this log from? ACC or Runtime activation?
The error message does not look like one from the Runtime platform.
As a side note: regardless of where the error occurs, it's always good to have a decent retry mechanism, so that whenever an error occurs (in any system), your workflow would still carry on.
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I got error in ACC, yeah we will be doing that since it is in DEV we will be taking care those error management later.
Will there any such stuff like maintenance or overloading issue in runtime? If so how will be getting know about that?
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Any platform update which requires actions by users would be communicated here in the Runtime / Firefly Forum (please make sure you're subscribed to all of them and not just this parent site).
The system has autoscaling enabled and overloading should not be an issue.
We do not perform maintenance that results in system outage.
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okay sure thank you for the confirmation.