Hi Team,
Can you please provide inputs on below points:
1. How can we get list of activation IDs for a specific date. We have tried 'wsk activation list' and 'wsk activation list --skip 50 --limit 50' but we are unable to see the activation IDs for 12 Nov. We also tried --since and few other flags but none worked. Can you please share the syntax to fetch logs for 12 nov 2020.
2. Are these activation logs created only during deployment or they get created even when hits come to the runtime actions. Our understanding is that they get generated during the hits as well. Please confirm
3. How can we access splunk logs to get activation IDs for older duration
4. What all details does 'https://console.adobe.io/' site provides. How can we get access to the same and what details within this site will help during debugging
5. How can we clean the cache of runtime actions as on production namespace we generally cache the response of Adobe I/O runtime actions
6. For how long does the Adobe I/O runtime actions are cached and how can we change it (increase or decrease)
7. In which scenarios is Adobe Stock used for runtime actions
Thanks and Regards,
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Hi @Sharma_Shruti - good questions. Please find my answers below.
1. You could use `--since` and `--upto` flags to specify the timestamp, and if there are too many activations, `--limit` and `--skip` would help to traverse the pages. Example: wsk activation list --since 1605609603069 --upto 1605780223069
Please note that, activation TTL is 7 days.
2. Activation logs are generated by the action being executed. If you use console.log in your code, they prints the logs out.
3. As mentioned in point #1, activation TTL (incl. logs) is 7 days. If you need older logs, you could create an automated job to export logs to an external persistence.
4. Adobe Developer Console gives you access to APIs, SDKs and developer tools to build on, integrate, and extend Adobe products.
Project Firefly provides the tools to help debug your serverless apps / Runtime actions (along with a lot more dev convenience). You are invited to try it out.
5. How do you create the cache from the beginning? Where is it stored?
6. Same as #5, what do you mean by "Runtime cache" ?
7. I/O Runtime provides a serverless platform to run your node.js code. What you do in the code depends on specific use cases. If they involves Adobe Stock, then you would write the code interacting with its API. Adobe provides an SDK to make it more convenient to write node.js code with Stock API.
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Thank you for the quick reply. Please find below my inputs on point# 5 and 6
In serverless.yml file, we set 'use-aio-cache' to true to enable the setting
1. Should this be set to required seconds instead of 'true'?
2. How and where can we check if response is coming from cache?
3. How can we manually/programatically clean all cache?
4. How can we manually/programatically clean cache of specific action?
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Yes, we are using Adobe CIF for the same and we got a base code from Adobe itself for Adobe I/O actions which had a file named serverless.yml.
@mhaack : Can you please help with the same as we need to soon enable the cache of these APIs/actions
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