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Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND


Level 4

@DuyNguyen  while using adobeio-samples-customers-dashboard , I am getting following error - time: 82




https://XXXX-navinprojectfirefly-navindevbox2/.adobeioruntime.net/api/v1/web/NavinProjectfirefly-0.0... is the end-point on which am getting the error.

note: Namespace: XXXX-navinprojectfirefly-navindevbox2


Any idea why this is coming?






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@navink386520 - I couldn't see your entire web page, but my guess is that you are trying to invoke the "get-profiles" action?

It requires the Adobe auth token which is not automatically included when you access the localhost URL. On the other hand, it is included if you access the "experience.adobe.com/..." URL outputted by the app run command.

I recommend to go through this codelab to understand the details: https://adobeio-codelabs-campaign-standard-adobedocs.project-helix.page/.

This is mentioned in Lesson 3.