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Conditional schema fields - extra field based on recipient's country


Level 2

Hey, all.

I'm trying to think of a solution that solves or simplifies the problem of keeping schema fields up to date based on a country for the client I work for. I think this might not be possible to achieve, but I'm looking to have additional fields in a schema based on the recipient's country attribute. Here's a specific scenario:

Two recipients:

  1. Pablo with country = 'AT'
  2. Paul with country = 'UK'

I would like to create two workflows where:

  • The first workflow queries for Pablo and only the default nms:recipient fields are available.
  • The second workflow queries for Paul and an additional field UK address (@ukAddress) is also available.

Is there a way to conditionally add or make visible additional fields to the nms:recipient schema, depending on a recipient's country field or any other field? 


Any insights on how we could achieve this conditional visibility within workflows would be very much appreciated. If this isn't directly feasible, are there recommended workarounds that might work for this use case? 


Thank you in advance!

1 Reply



Hi @alejandroluzuriaga, thanks for a detailed write-up. I cannot help as the question is very specific to the product/API you are using. Instead, I'd recommend you raise a ticket with Adobe support through your regular channels to get an answer. 


Meanwhile, you can keep the question open to see if someone else in the community knows the answer. 

