We successfully implemented a Firefly App that fetches data from an external API and writes data into Adobe Analytics (using the old API 1.4). This works perfekt since the action can use the UI-User credentials (read from params) like this:
const resHeaders = {
"authorization": params.__ow_headers["authorization"],
"x-api-key": params.__ow_headers["x-api-key"],
"w-gw-ims-org-id": params.__ow_headers["w-gw-ims-org-id"],
"x-api-key": params.__ow_headers["x-api-key"]
but where does the action gets the credentials if there is no UI providing the params? what "user/key" does it have to execute requests against Analytics API? or can I somewhere add credentials to manually set the desired values?
Thanks a lot for the support!
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Hi @Urs_Boller , first of all it would be good to identify whether your app is an SPA or headless, as described in the Security Overview . I assume you have the `require-adobe-auth` flag set to true for your actions.
If it is an SPA, the user token must be passed from the Adobe Experience Cloud (ExC) Shell, specific to the user session you are logged in.
If it is a headless app, you need to pass a service token which is obtained with the JWT auth flow.
You could also use a user token in a headless app to call the backend services, as long as it has valid authorization and scopes. However, you can not use a service token to call backend services of an SPA, because the session has to be tied to a specific user.
Please let me know if something needs further clarification.
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Hi @Urs_Boller , first of all it would be good to identify whether your app is an SPA or headless, as described in the Security Overview . I assume you have the `require-adobe-auth` flag set to true for your actions.
If it is an SPA, the user token must be passed from the Adobe Experience Cloud (ExC) Shell, specific to the user session you are logged in.
If it is a headless app, you need to pass a service token which is obtained with the JWT auth flow.
You could also use a user token in a headless app to call the backend services, as long as it has valid authorization and scopes. However, you can not use a service token to call backend services of an SPA, because the session has to be tied to a specific user.
Please let me know if something needs further clarification.
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Hi @duypnguyen thanks for the details.
Yes, action is secured and I am able to hand over credentials within the SPA, action gets executed successfully using my login credentials.
but in the end, we want the action to run as headless (scheduled execution), where there is no login. Do you have any example for "pass a service token which is obtained with the JWT auth flow" in the Firefly environment?
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Hi @Urs_Boller, in that case you first need to remove the web-src/ folder to make your app headless instead of SPA, so that JWT token can be validated.
aio app delete web-assets
To test the token, you could retrieve it from I/O Console, under "Generate JWT token" in your project, and pass it in the request header to your action, e.g. `Authorization: Bearer ey1234567890....`.
To have the token generation in action code, you could leverage the Adobe IMS SDK . Please note that, it's better not to expose your action as a web action in this case, because then anyone can access your data. What would make sense for this authentication is a cron job which runs at interval to import data from Analytics, for example. You can use the Alarms package to set up this cron job.
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