Hi All,
I am facing below error while sending the Daily NL ,
I have understood two option from the below error :
As per my understanding : The error message states that there is a missing record in the related table on the other side of relation 'FK'. It seems we have a table inside our database and for this campaign, the foreign key field holds some value.
We need to check if the table has a record with correct primary Kay . If not, try to identify what value this record held and try to add a new record with the same PK.
2. Or there something wrong with the MX rules .
Can some one please help here?
WDB-200001 SQL statement
'SELECT R0.iRecipientId, R0.sLastName, R0.sFirstName, R0.sEmail, R0.sSalutation, R0.sMiddleName, R0.sAccount, R0.iStatus, R0.sCompany, R0.iGender, R0.sLanguage, R0.tsBirth, R0.iBlackList, R0.iFolderId, R0.iEmailFormat, R0.sMobilePhone, R0.sFax, R0.sPhone, R0.sOrigin, R0.sAddress1, R0.sAddress2, R0.sAddress3, R0.sAddress4, R0.sZipCode, R0.sCity, R0.sCountryCode, R0.sStateCode, AllNonNull3(R0.sZipCode , R0.sCity , R0.sLastName), R0.iAddrErrorCount, R0.iAddrQuality, R0.tsAddrLastCheck, R0.sText1, R0.sText2, R0.sText3, R0.sText4, R0.sText5, R0.iBoolean1, R0.iBoolean2, R0.iBoolean3, F1.sLabel, F1.iFolderId, F1.sFullName, case when 'eng' = 'fra' then C2.sLabelFR else case when 'eng' = 'deu' then C2.sLabelDE else case when 'eng' = 'jpn' then C2.sLabelJA else C2.sLabelEN end end end, C2.sIsoA2, case when 'eng' = 'jpn' then NULL else S3.sCode || ' - ' end || case when 'eng' = 'fra' then S3.sLabelFR else case when 'eng' = 'deu' then S3.sLabelDE else case when 'eng' = 'jpn' then S3.sLabelJA else S3.sLabelEN end end end, S3.sCode, S3.sCountryCode, case when 'eng' = 'fra' then C4.sLabelFR else case when 'eng' = 'deu' then C4.sLabelDE else case when 'eng' = 'jpn' then C4.sLabelJA else C4.sLabelEN end end end, case when 'eng' = 'fra' then C4.sLabelFR else case when 'eng' = 'deu' then C4.sLabelDE else case when 'eng' = 'jpn' then C4.sLabelJA else C4.sLabelEN end end end, C4.sIsoA2, R0.mData FROM NmsRecipient R0 JOIN XtkFolder F1 ON (F1.iFolderId = R0.iFolderId) LEFT JOIN NmsCountry C2 ON (C2.sIsoA2 = R0.sCountryCode) LEFT JOIN NmsState S3 ON (S3.sCode = R0.sStateCode AND S3.sCountryCode = R0.sCountryCode) LEFT JOIN NmsCountry C4 ON (C4.sIsoA2 = S3.sCountryCode) WHERE ((R0.iFolderId IN (SELECT xr.iFolderId FROM XtkRights xr WHERE xr.iOperatorId IN (6762030, 65221)) OR R0.iFolderId=0)) AND (((R0.iFolderId IN (SELECT xr.iFolderId FROM XtkRights xr WHERE xr.iOperatorId IN (6762030, 65221)) OR R0.iFolderId=0)) AND ((R0.iRecipientId = :1)))'
could not be executed.
09/16/2017 10:41:36 AM Failed Invalid domain No mx records have been found! Domain: ''; Type: 28; Time used: 0 ms
WDB-200011 The requested database record does not exist
Cannot load document of type 'Recipients (nms:recipient)' satisfying condition '([/@id] = 8545834)'
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try to add to the link element in the schema the following attribute:
For us it looks like one of the tracking WF is not configure , and WF has this coded for the tracking , due to this every time we get this error
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