Hello there,
It seems I am experiencing several issues related to enabling thousand separators for numeric fields. The fields are based on a load file in which I am using floats with double precision and for every variable I enabled decimal & thousand separators (where applicable). However it seems that the extract file's number format overrules any settings done in the load file node. However, the extract file's option for thousand separation does not offer an option to choose the method of separation (e.g. a period). I think this is the reason why my output currently looks like this:
Load file configuration
Extract file configuration
Is there any way I can get '198.863,64' as output? In addition, why are the extract file settings generalized over all (numeric) variables? The problem we also run into is that enabling a thousand separator in the extract file also affects the customerid and other numeric variables which should not be separated.
Any help is kindly appreciated.
Kind regards,