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Delivery Summary Report - Campaign level


Level 4

Hi ,

I am trying to generate delivery summary report at campaign level through workflow. report is generated with the comments of "No deliveries". But there are 4 deliveries belong to this campaign

  var campId=204935052;

      var reportName = "deliveryStatistics";

      var path = "/usr/local/neolane/nl6/var/xxxxxxxxxx/export/"+"DeliverySummary_"+"Ashok_Test"+i+".xls";

      var exportFormat = "XLS";

      isAdHoc = false;

      var _ctx = <ctx _context="selection" _selectionCount="1" _selection={campId} _schema="nms:operation" _reportContext={reportName} />


Could you please help to debug the attached code.


Ashok S

6 Replies


Level 10

Hi Ashok,

I think you want to use _schema="nms:delivery" instead of _schema="nms:operation", don't you?



Level 4

I believe if we use _schema="nms:delivery" then it would generate report at delivery level. My requirement is produce delivery summary report at campaign level.

for example , if we have 4 deliveries are executed to the same campaign , i want all 4 of them when i pass operation-id.


Level 10

Hi Ashok,

The report deliveryStatistics only takes 1 or several deliveries Id as input parameter (_selection).

So it must be _schema="nms:delivery" in your queryDef.

But if you don't want to collect the operation deliveries ID before your JS code, and keep _schema="nms:operation" and operation ID as _selection input parameter, in that case, you should use the report internal name operationStatistics instead of deliveryStatistics:




Level 10

Also, please confirm that this post concerns Adobe Campaign Classic and not Adobe Campaign Standard?


Level 4

Thank you. I even tried operationstatistics option before posting it here. But somehow it was not working.

Created custom specific report using the existing delivery summary report and it got worked as expected.

Thank you for all your valuable options.

Just for FYI. Below is the code i tried to use it for the  operationstatistics.

var reportName = "deliveryStatistics";

var path = "/usr/local/neolane/nl6/var/xxxxxxxxx/export/"+"DeliverySummary_"+"Ashok_Test"+".xls";

var exportFormat = "XLS";

isAdHoc = false;

var _ctx = <ctx _context="selection" _selection={operation_id} _schema="nms:opertion" _reportContext={reportName} />



Level 10

In case of operationStatistics, you must change this:
var reportName = "deliveryStatistics";