I am try to create a Campaign, and I meet the next problem, Would you like to give me some advice? or where can I find the guide?
(1) I want to make a campaign with the recipient target exclue the same targeted communication within 3 days
( or exclue the target who was deliveried a mail/sms/... within 3 days )
(2) I want to next workflow
Send EDM -> wait n days -> collect the non-opener -> send SMS
Send SMS with an url link -> wait n days -> collect the non-clicker -> send EDM
Problem: how to check if the user open the mail/SMS or click the link in the mail/SMS?
(3) I want to send a mail to the customer if coupons is going to be expired within 1 month.
(4)I want to send a mail to the user when the customer did not finished the order.
Best regard