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What are the capabilities of SMS integration?


Level 2

Hi all,

I was just wondering with SMS integration has the following capabilities. I have set up an SMPP gateway with my sms provider and of course it can send automated sms messages. But I was wondering whether Adobe Campaign has the functionality to:

a) receive and recognise replies to an SMS Sent from a dedicated virtual number

b) have statistics on opens/deliveries

c) is there a way in Adobe Campaign to automatically generated shortened links (eg: bit.ly, goo.gl) that are personalised to to individuals in a delivery, so that we can have tracking stats on URLS clicked in SMS messages?

If any of these are possible and you could explain to me how to configure this or lead me to some training videos/technical documentation it would be much appreciated.

Thanks so much

1 Reply



Hi alb52547777,

Please find the answer to your queries

a) receive and recognize replies to an SMS Sent from a dedicated virtual number: Yes it is available

b) have statistics on opens/deliveries: You cannot track an Open on SMS. It is always the clicks on tracked links which can be tracked. Any click corresponds to open but then you can always have someone open an SMS but then take no further action. So tracking Open is not possible.

c) is there a way in Adobe Campaign to automatically generated shortened links (eg: bit.ly, goo.gl) that are personalized to individuals in a delivery, so that we can have tracking stats on URLs clicked in SMS messages? this is not possible. You will have to customize the solution or write your own SMS connector.
