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[Release Update | AC v8] Release 8.7.1



Release 8.7.1

Check out the details about what's new, general improvements, fixes and compatibility updates in this latest Campaign v8 Release here: Release 8.7.1

New features

  • Rich Push Notification templates - You can now send rich push notifications via Android. Rich push notification is an enhanced form of mobile notification that goes beyond simple text messages by incorporating multimedia elements such as images, interactive buttons, or other rich media content.

  • Branding - As a Campaign Standard migrated user, your technical administrators can now define one or several brands to centralize the parameters that affect a brand’s identity. This includes the brand logo, the domain of the landing pages’ access URL, or message tracking settings. You can create these brands and link them to messages or landing pages. This configuration is managed in templates.
  • Rest APIs - As a Campaign Standard migrated user, you can use Rest APIs to create integrations for Adobe Campaign and build your own ecosystem by interfacing Adobe Campaign with the panel of technologies that you use. 

  • Dynamic Reporting - As a Campaign Standard migrated user, you can access Dynamic Reporting which provides fully customizable and real-time reports to measure the impact of your marketing activities. It adds access to profile data, enabling demographic analysis by profile dimensions such as gender, city and age in addition to functional email campaign data like opens and clicks. 


Please find the detailed information around the new capabilities and improvements here: Latest Release


If you have any questions or feedback related to this release then please feel free to reach out through the below comment section.

Sukrity Wadhwa

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