Michael has over 11 years of experience with the Campaign platform concentrating on the business needs of the users and translating those into technical solutions. Michael uses his expertise to help new customers implement Campaign and existing customers to get the most value from the tool.
Hello !
Hi @julienc50514282,
Thank you for joining us today for this
Hello, thanks for this event.
I would like to know if it is possible to defer the calculation of broadlogs / tracking indicators for a delivery. My question is that sometimes - in rare cases - the isDirty flag updates too quickly and my indicators remain false for a very limited cases. In these cases, I need to recompute these stats but it's quite annoying for the campaign managers. Thanks !
Hi @juliensteinling1979, I am not aware of any method to delay this for a specific delivery. The only potential thing I can thing of is reducing the frequency of how often the broadlog and tracking workflows run to pull the data and do the calculations. The downside to this is that it would impact all deliveries in the system.
If there is a pattern to these rare occurrences, for example it always happens when the delivery target is more than xxx recipients, you could try creating a technical workflow job that would run the recompute stats for any delivery with that size population or larger 30 minutes after the delivery or something similar. It would remove the manual effort.
Hello everyone, glad to be here to help answers some questions today.
Hello @EwaHarassek!
Welcome to the Coffee Break
I have recently joined the Adobe Community and it's the first time I participate in a "coffee break".
I joined you to see what it looks like.
As I am a not advanced user of Adobe Campaign 7, I have not got specific questions regarding it. I would rather learn where I can find some useful instructions and guidelines which I can use when questions occur when working in Adobe Campaign.
Check out this link:
There are several tutorials and guides that are linked from there and will both get you started and be a great place to check back once you get more experience.
Best of luck!
Additionally, you can also refer to these resources:
Oh nice! Welcome to the Campaign Community then. You are at the right place. We have some amazing people here sharing their expertise on a daily basis. I am sure you will find a great deal of information and resources to learn from. Feel free to reach out whenever you feel the need.
Hey @mihenry, Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions today!
This question was originally posted by Community member @roro_coeur :
the native tracking workflow in charge of downloading and consolidating the trackings logs retrieved from the mid that host tracking process is launching:
tracking -instance:<%= instanceName %> -download -update
That's all we know. Any idea in details what this job actually do?
We are always at least 24 hours late.
No error in the audit. We have checked the database and purged old data on large tables that are related to delivery/tracking logs and deliveryStats.
Checking the database we don't see any lock or long processing queries.
Also checked the soap requests and did not see any latency.
Anybody have ideas on where to look for?
Any idea of the details of this process? (tables? queries?)
Thank you very much,
There are a couple of things that can hopefully help address this:
1. There is an option parameter, NmsMidSourcing_LogsBatchSize, that can be altered to increase the batch size of the number of logs being pulled by the fetch. The default is normally set to about 1,000 in most instances, this can be increased and checked to see if that increases the performance of the process. We have seen it set to 5,000 in some instances and that has helped.
2. Improvements to this process were made in Release 21.1.1 Build 9277, that are also intended to help increase the performance. As we are working to get all customers upgrade to the V7.2 build with that cumulative upgrade you should also see an improvement in this process.
Hi @mihenry We upgraded to ACC 9188, and OOTB big tables have already migrated to dedicated sequence. The XtkNewId is still being used for several other OOTB smaller tables but we keep getting duplicate key violation error due to exhaust of ids. What is the recommended approach to fix this issue?
Hi @maheshk38824399 ,
Future builds have also addressed segregating tables from using XtkNewId, specifically in Build 9346 the nmsGroup table is moved off of this sequence. From the release notes:
A dedicated sequence is now used to generate the primary keys for the nmsGroup table, which is used to create statistical groups of recipients. Previously, the xtknewId sequence was used. (NEO-30832)
If you customer is still hitting issues though with some tables the recommended approach is to make alterations so those tables where they have issues are moved to dedicated sequences. If this is a hosted campaign instance, you may also which to open a Customer Care ticket and work with our hosting and engineering teams to help with this process of cleaning this up.
An additional item I wanted to mention is to look into the data retention policy for all of these tables. If the customer is exhausting keys it could be the result of having a retention policy that is too long for the volume of new records being created. Reduction in data retention could free up keys as well. This is an option to creating separate Sequences for all tables.
Thanks a lot @mihenry for taking out the time to chat with us today! This was supremely helpful
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