Hi team,
I have a requirement where we have to add sourcetags in Email Deliverywhen sending targeted e-mails through Adobe Campaign Classic
please help me to understand where we can add sourcetags in Email Deliverywhen sending targeted e-mails through Adobe Campaign Classic
Please let me know wheere and how to add it to all the links to the website in order to Analytics to track it
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi @DishaSharma,
// Define the source tag
var sourceTag = "E00040S3000D99908";
// Ensure the email content is accessible
if (message && message.content && message.content.html && message.content.html.source) {
var htmlContent = message.content.html.source; // Get the email HTML content
// Convert email HTML to lowercase to avoid case sensitivity issues
var modifiedContent = htmlContent.replace(/href="([^"]*?)"/gi, function(match, url) {
if (url.indexOf("source=") === -1) { // Check if 'source=' already exists
var separator = url.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?";
return 'href="' + url + separator + "source=" + sourceTag + '"';
return match; // Return unchanged if 'source=' is already present
// Log modified content for debugging
logInfo("Updated Email HTML: " + modifiedContent.substring(0, 500)); // Log first 500 characters to avoid truncation
// Update the email content with the modified version
message.content.html.source = modifiedContent;
Try with these, additionally run it in a workflow before using it in a typology rule. If again fails you will have to open a ticket to support sharing the error and your typology rule details.
Hi @Shruti1,
There are different ways to add source tags:
-You can add them manually inside your html content within the delivery you are sending. Example:<a href=" yourlink?utm_source=AdobeCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=SpringSale">
- As manually is a waste of time, you can enable tracking on all URLS inside the mail go to properties tab.
<--Image taken for Adobe Documentation>
-You can also create a typology rule where you add Java Script to add UTM parameters for every link. A possible JS could be this:
var content = delivery.content.html.source; //grabs the content of the HTML and stores it in the variable content
content = content.replace(/href="(https:\/\/www\.example\.com[^"]*)"/g, 'href="$1&utm_source=AdobeCampaign&utm_medium=email"');//Replace example with the link you want to put.
Test which method is better for you but I'll recommend the second one.
Additionally I leave you a useful doc link:Tracking messages
Kind regards,
hi @celia thanks for your reply
but i need to create typology rule
that loops over all the url in delivery and add the source tag
Source tag=
could you please suggest correct typology rule fort his
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Hi @Shruti1,
Under Adminisitration-Campaign Management-Typologies you can create a typology rule applying the following JavaScript
// Define the source tag
var sourceTag = "E00040S3000D99908";
// Function to check if a URL already contains the source tag
function appendSourceTag(url) {
var separator = url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?"; // Determine if ? or & is needed
return url + separator + "source=" + sourceTag;
// Loop through all URLs in the delivery
var delivery = delivery.content.html.source; // Get the HTML content
var modifiedContent = delivery.replace(/href="([^"]+)"/g, function(match, url) {
// Append source tag if not already present
if (!url.includes("source=")) {
return 'href="' + appendSourceTag(url) + '"';
return match; // If the source already exists, keep it as it is
// Update the content of the delivery
delivery.content.html.source = modifiedContent;
Let me know if it helps.
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Hello @ccg1706
I am getting below error while applying this typlogy rule mentioned above
please help me with the correct code for this typology rule
06/02/2025 18:01:07 DLV-490000 An error occurred while executing rule 'NewTypoRule'. Please ask the platform administrator 'Adobe Inc.' to check syntax and validity of this rule.
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Hi @DishaSharma,
Managing delivery.content.html.source as an object and string sometimes brings problems.
Try with this new JS, and let me know how it goes.
// Define the source tag
var sourceTag = "E00040S3000D99908";
// Ensure the delivery content is accessible
if (delivery && delivery.content && delivery.content.html && delivery.content.html.source) {
var htmlContent = delivery.content.html.source; // Get the email HTML content
// Replace all href links, adding the source tag if not already present
var modifiedContent = htmlContent.replace(/href="([^"]+)"/g, function(match, url) {
if (!url.includes("source=")) {
var separator = url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?";
return 'href="' + url + separator + "source=" + sourceTag + '"';
return match; // Keep the URL unchanged if source already exists
// Update the email content with the modified version
delivery.content.html.source = modifiedContent;
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I am again facing same error,, please help me with the correct code, this is urgent requirement for me and i need to finish it anyhow ..hope u und,,,please help
07/02/2025 09:58:09 XML-110018 Error while parsing XML string ''
07/02/2025 09:58:09 (1:1) : invalid document structure
07/02/2025 09:58:09 DLV-490000 An error occurred while executing rule 'NewRule'. Please ask the platform administrator 'Adobe Inc.' to check syntax and validity of this rule.
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Hi @DishaSharma,
Try with this version, using message.cntent.html.source.
// Define the source tag
var sourceTag = "E00040S3000D99908";
// Ensure the email content is accessible
if (message && message.content && message.content.html && message.content.html.source) {
var htmlContent = message.content.html.source; // Get the email HTML content
// Replace all href links, adding the source tag if not already present
var modifiedContent = htmlContent.replace(/href="([^"]+)"/g, function(match, url) {
if (!url.includes("source=")) {
var separator = url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?";
return 'href="' + url + separator + "source=" + sourceTag + '"';
return match; // Keep the URL unchanged if source already exists
// Update the email content with the modified version
message.content.html.source = modifiedContent;
If you still having errors let me know.
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I am again receiving the same error:
DLV-490000 An error occurred while executing rule 'NewRule'. Please ask the platform administrator 'Adobe Inc.' to check syntax and validity of this rule.
please help to send me correct code for this...please
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Hi @DishaSharma,
Try with these:
// Define the source tag
var sourceTag = "E00040S3000D99908";
// Ensure the email content is accessible
if (message && message.content && message.content.html) {
var htmlContent = message.content.html.source; // Get the email HTML content
if (htmlContent) {
// Use simple string manipulation instead of regex
var urls = htmlContent.match(/href="([^"]+)"/g); // Find all href links
if (urls) {
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
var originalUrl = urls[i].substring(6, urls[i].length - 1); // Extract URL
if (originalUrl.indexOf("source=") === -1) { // If 'source=' is not already present
var separator = originalUrl.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?";
var newUrl = 'href="' + originalUrl + separator + "source=" + sourceTag + '"';
htmlContent = htmlContent.replace(urls[i], newUrl);
// Update the email content with the modified version
message.content.html.source = htmlContent;
Additonally, make sure you check that message.content,html.source is writable and try to add also logInfo(htmlContent); before updating message.content.html.source to see if the URL is modified correctly.
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Hello @ccg1706
Thanks for your reply always ... .however I tried the code you mentioned
but still getting the same error
please help me with correct code please
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Hi @DishaSharma,
// Define the source tag
var sourceTag = "E00040S3000D99908";
// Ensure the email content is accessible
if (message && message.content && message.content.html && message.content.html.source) {
var htmlContent = message.content.html.source; // Get the email HTML content
// Convert email HTML to lowercase to avoid case sensitivity issues
var modifiedContent = htmlContent.replace(/href="([^"]*?)"/gi, function(match, url) {
if (url.indexOf("source=") === -1) { // Check if 'source=' already exists
var separator = url.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?";
return 'href="' + url + separator + "source=" + sourceTag + '"';
return match; // Return unchanged if 'source=' is already present
// Log modified content for debugging
logInfo("Updated Email HTML: " + modifiedContent.substring(0, 500)); // Log first 500 characters to avoid truncation
// Update the email content with the modified version
message.content.html.source = modifiedContent;
Try with these, additionally run it in a workflow before using it in a typology rule. If again fails you will have to open a ticket to support sharing the error and your typology rule details.
Hi team,
I have a requirement where we have to add sourcetags in Email Deliverywhen sending targeted e-mails through Adobe Campaign Classic in click formula
please help me to understand where we can add sourcetags in NmsTracking_ClickFormula under Platform->options
Alternatively, can we create typology rule
that loops over all the URL in delivery and add the as the source tag
Please let me know where and how to add the source tag to all the urls in email delivery in order to Analytics to track it
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Hi @Shruti1,
It would be more practical, to create a typology rule, cause it is more flexible and allows you to process all URLs dynamically within the email content before sending or you can modify the NmsTracking_Clickormula).
Applying JavaScript you can do it, defining the variables and a for to loop trough each link and append the sourcetag.
If you need more help, just let me know.
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Hello @ccg1706
I also need to work on same requirement:
I need, to create a typology rule, and which allows you to process all URLs dynamically within the email content before sending
Applying JavaScript you can do it, defining the variables and a for to loop trough each link and append the sourcetag.
my source tag is: For FB: SOURCETAG=C0030P3000A99P0000F0000MCD0
can u help me with the code for typology rule for this please
also second method:
where we can modify the NmsTracking_Clickormula, can u give me the code for this NmsTracking_Clickormula-modified with addition of sourcetag
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Hi @DishaSharma,
Try with the following codes:
For method 1: (typology rule)
// Time to add that SOURCETAG magic to all URLs in the email before sending
// Define our special source tag for FB
var sourcetag = "SOURCETAG=C0030P3000A99P0000F0000MCD0";
// Loop through all the URLs in the email content
for each (var url in delivery.content.html.links) {
var linkUrl = url.url; // Grab the current URL
// If it doesn't have a ?, we add one. Otherwise, we slap on an &
linkUrl += (linkUrl.indexOf("?") === -1) ? "?" + sourcetag : "&" + sourcetag;
// Update the link with our new fancy tracked version ️
url.url = linkUrl;
// Log the operation
logInfo(" SOURCETAG successfully added to all URLs in this email. ");
For method 2: (Adding Source tag)
// Let’s make sure our links are tracked when clicked!
// Grab the original URL (the one without our magic yet)
var url = event.getUrl();
// Our FB source tag
var sourcetag = "SOURCETAG=C0030P3000A99P0000F0000MCD0";
// Time to make it sparkle
url += (url.indexOf("?") === -1) ? "?" + sourcetag : "&" + sourcetag;
// Return our beautifully modified URL
return url;
Let me know if you need more assistance.
Kind regards,
hello @ccg1706
thanks for u reply
below is NmsTracking_ClickFormula:
<% if( typeof strPurlTrackingServer!="undefined" && strPurlTrackingServer.toString() ) { %><%= strPurlTrackingServer %><% } else { %><%@ include option='NmsTracking_ServerUrl' %><% } %>/r/?id=<%=
type.substr(0, 1) %><% if( typeof(message.id) === 'string' ) { %><%= message.id %><% }
else { %><%= (message.id<0 ? (message.id+4294967296) : message.id).toString(16).toLowerCase() %><% }
%>,<%@ value object="delivery" xpath="@idTracking" %>,<%= escapeUrl("$(urlId)") %>
if (document.mode == "forward")
var d = message.getParameter("d")
if( d )
d = d.split(",")
%>&ap_visitorId=<%=message.getParameter("visitorId") != '' ? message.getParameter("visitorId"):0 %>&ap_category=<%= d[0]?d[0]:'' %>&ap_deliveryId=<%=d[1]?parseInt(d[1],16):0%><%
} %><%
if( typeof proposition != "undefined" && proposition.length == undefined )
{ %>&ap_oid=<%= ( proposition.offer.id && proposition.offer.id != 0 ) ? proposition.offer.id : proposition.offer_id %><%
} %>
could you please help to let me know where exactly i should put the code which u mentioned above..please
awaiting ur reply
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Hi, @DishaSharma:
Here you have the complete code:
if (typeof strPurlTrackingServer != "undefined" && strPurlTrackingServer.toString()) {
<%= strPurlTrackingServer %>
} else {
<%@ include option='NmsTracking_ServerUrl' %>
%>/r/?id=<%= type.substr(0, 1) %>
if (typeof(message.id) === 'string') {
<%= message.id %>
} else {
<%= (message.id < 0 ? (message.id + 4294967296) : message.id).toString(16).toLowerCase() %>
%>,<%@ value object="delivery" xpath="@idTracking" %>,
var url = escapeUrl("$(urlId)");
var sourcetag = "SOURCETAG=C0030P3000A99P0000F0000MCD0";
if (url.indexOf("?") === -1) {
url += "?" + sourcetag;
} else {
url += "&" + sourcetag;
<%= url %>
if (document.mode == "forward") {
var d = message.getParameter("d");
if (d) d = d.split(",");
&ap_visitorId=<%= message.getParameter("visitorId") != '' ? message.getParameter("visitorId") : 0 %>
&ap_category=<%= d[0] ? d[0] : '' %>
&ap_deliveryId=<%= d[1] ? parseInt(d[1], 16) : 0 %>
if (typeof proposition != "undefined" && proposition.length == undefined) {
&ap_oid=<%= (proposition.offer.id && proposition.offer.id != 0) ? proposition.offer.id : proposition.offer_id %>
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hello @ccg1706
I have tried the code which u mentioned but no luck,, i cant see appended source tag in URL of email...
please help me with correct code
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I tried this but its not working could you please help me where exaclty after which line of code in NmsTrackingClick formula,
I should add your code
// Let’s make sure our links are tracked when clicked! // Grab the original URL (the one without our magic yet) var url = event.getUrl(); // Our FB source tag var sourcetag = "SOURCETAG=C0030P3000A99P0000F0000MCD0"; // Time to make it sparkle url += (url.indexOf("?") === -1) ? "?" + sourcetag : "&" + sourcetag; // Return our beautifully modified URL return url;
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Please help me with correct code..
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