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Where to add Sourcetag in Email Delivery when sending targeted e-mails through Adobe Campaign classic


Level 5

Hi team,

I have a requirement where we have to add sourcetags in Email Deliverywhen sending targeted e-mails through Adobe Campaign Classic


please help me to understand where we can add sourcetags in Email Deliverywhen sending targeted e-mails through Adobe Campaign Classic


Please let me know wheere and how  to add it  to all the links to the website in order to Analytics to track it 


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

Hi @DishaSharma,

// Define the source tag
var sourceTag = "E00040S3000D99908";

// Ensure the email content is accessible
if (message && message.content && message.content.html && message.content.html.source) {
    var htmlContent = message.content.html.source; // Get the email HTML content

    // Convert email HTML to lowercase to avoid case sensitivity issues
    var modifiedContent = htmlContent.replace(/href="([^"]*?)"/gi, function(match, url) {
        if (url.indexOf("source=") === -1) { // Check if 'source=' already exists
            var separator = url.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?";
            return 'href="' + url + separator + "source=" + sourceTag + '"';
        return match; // Return unchanged if 'source=' is already present

    // Log modified content for debugging
    logInfo("Updated Email HTML: " + modifiedContent.substring(0, 500)); // Log first 500 characters to avoid truncation

    // Update the email content with the modified version
    message.content.html.source = modifiedContent;

Try with these, additionally run it in a workflow before using it in a typology rule. If again fails you will have to open  a ticket to support sharing the error and your typology rule details.







View solution in original post

22 Replies


Level 4

Hi @Shruti1, as per my understanding the ask is to add source value in the tracking URLs of the instance.

You can modify the default formula for tracking (Admin->Platform->Options->NmsTracking_ClickFormula) 

<% if( typeof strPurlTrackingServer!="undefined" && strPurlTrackingServer.toString() ) { %>
<%= strPurlTrackingServer %>
<% } else { %>
<%@ include option='NmsTracking_ServerUrl' %>
<% } %>
type.substr(0, 1) + (message.id<0 ? (message.id+4294967296) : message.id).toString(16).toLowerCase()
%>,<%@ value object="delivery" xpath="@idTracking" %>,<%= escapeUrl("$(urlId)") %>
&source=<%= escapeUrl("$(source)") %>
if (document.mode == "forward")
var d = message.getParameter("d")
if( d )
d = d.split(",")
&ap_visitorId=<%=message.getParameter("visitorId") != '' ? message.getParameter("visitorId"):0 %>
&ap_category=<%= d[0]?d[0]:'' %>
<% } %>
if( typeof proposition != "undefined" && proposition.length == undefined )
{ %>
&ap_oid=<%= proposition.offer.id %>
<% } %>

 The output for the above would look like this:-



I hope this helps,





Level 4

Hello @abhinav99 



I have tried the code which u mentioned but no luck,, i cant see appended source tag in URL of email...

please help me with correct code,i really need it asap