We have a server - when we define a webservice, every parameter name in the WSDL is prefixed by the type e.g. "str", "dom" etc
This looks like it is a server config, but we can't find where (nothing obvious in options)
See the below image for an example - two WSDLs created from the same schema on two separate servers
- The top shows as expected - parameter names are as they are defined in the schema
- The bottom shows the parameter names being prefixed automatically
Is there a configuration we can set to remove the prefixes?

Schema definition (snippet) here
<method library="xxx:leadEvent.js" name="LeadEvent" static="true">
<help>Insert an XXX Lead event.</help>
<param desc="Source System" inout="in" label="sourceSystem" name="sourceSystem"
<param desc="Form ID" inout="in" label="formID" name="formID" type="string"/>
<param desc="Event Type" inout="in" label="eventType" name="eventType" type="string"/>
<param desc="Event TimeStamp" inout="in" label="eventTimeStamp" name="eventTimeStamp"
<param desc="Source System Record ID" inout="in" label="sourceSystemRecordID"
name="sourceSystemRecordID" type="string"/>
<param desc="Form Payload" inout="in" label="formPayload" name="formPayload"