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Web app preloading issue


Community Advisor

Hello All,

we have this weird preloading issue that happens sometimes after the server restart


Failed to preload data: WDB-200001 SQL statement 'SELECT R0.iRecipientId FROM NmsRecipient R0 WHERE ((R0.iFolderId IN (SELECT xr.iFolderId FROM XtkRights xr WHERE xr.iOperatorId IN (1596)) OR R0.iFolderId=0)) AND (((R0.iFolderId IN (SELECT xr.iFolderId FROM XtkRights xr WHERE xr.iOperatorId IN (1596)) OR R0.iFolderId=0)) AND ((R0.iRecipientId = :#(1)#) AND ((:#(2)# = :#(3)#))))' could not be executed. Param(0)=3610 Param(1)=1 Param(2)=0 WDB-200011 The requested database record does not exist. Cannot load document of type 'Recipients (nms:recipient)' satisfying condition '([/@id] = '3610') AND ((1 = 0))'. SOP-330011 Error while executing the method 'ExecuteQuery' of service 'xtk:queryDef'.
<ctx lang="en" score="0" date="2021-12-06T16:18:10Z" _target="web" webApp-id="1655058" origin="neolane" _folderModel="nmsRecipient" _identifier="@n4Up4yA+jAE4WOy0aC7DXw==" _method="encryptedId">
  <userInfo datakitInDatabase="true" homeDir="" instanceLocale="en-GB" locale="en-GB" login="webapp" loginCS="Web applications agent (webapp)" loginId="1596" noConsoleCnx="true" orgUnitId="0" theme="" timezone="Europe/Zurich" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns="urn:xtk:session" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <login-right right="webapp"/>
  <timezone current="Europe/Zurich" changed="false"/>
  <recipient id="@n4Up4yA jAE4WOy0aC7DXw=="/>



It looks like preloading is adding condition 1=0 which is always false and thus nothing is returned by it. Does anybody have any idea what is the cause of this?


Senpai @Jonathon_wodnicki ?


thanks a lot



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

TIL: Okey I found it.. it was sysfilter adding 1=0 as I have taken named right label instead of name. But also for web apps you need to always restart frontal server when fiddling with sysfilters.

View solution in original post

1 Reply


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

TIL: Okey I found it.. it was sysfilter adding 1=0 as I have taken named right label instead of name. But also for web apps you need to always restart frontal server when fiddling with sysfilters.