Hi Team,
in ACC i have created an event type, transactional email template, configured and published it, can any help me on next steps how to test using the post man tool.
i have configured done the below configurations and when i click on send i get a 404 error response.
can anyone let me know what is the mistake that i have done?
Thanks in advance,
Shine v.v
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @ShineVv0823 ,
Not sure If I get this but there is no LOGIN WSDL, you can generate your session token using logon and use that generated session token.
Use WSDL generated from
-> LOGON to generate Session using MC operator
Now WSDL from
->PushEvent use generated session token and payload to send and receive messages.
Hope this helps!
Hi @ShineVv0823 ,
You need to import the WSDL file in postman to test the same.
How to get WSDL file in adobe campaign.
The payload should be as folloing
The headers -->
POST https://<instance>.campaign.adobe.com/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp Content-Type : application/xml <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:urn="urn:nms:rtEvent"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <urn:PushEvent> <urn:sessiontoken>loginor session tokenhere</urn:sessiontoken> <urn:domEvent> <rtEvent type="eventypehere" wishedChannel="1" mobilePhone="+000000" email="email@email.com" externalId="recipientcodehere" origin="originatingsystemhere"> <ctx> <something>test</something </ctx> </rtEvent> </urn:domEvent> </urn:PushEvent> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Hi @david--garcia , @dev_abhinav
Thank you for your response, i have tried using the same method, i am now not getting a login error, i am getting the response a long number but no email is triggered and unable to see any record in the event history, attached the screenshot of the response, any idea why this is happening? thanks in advance.
Shine v.v
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hi @ShineVv0823 ,
from the screenshot attached the payload is missing wishedchannel .
please refer below
use wishedChannel="0" for email and wishedChannel="1" for sms
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Have you also configured the eventType enumeration? and assigned it to the delivery template?
In your case, it should be testEvent after you create it, assign it to the delivery template. but make it meaningful, such as email_marketingTest
Hi @david--garcia , @dev_abhinav ,
Thank you so much for the help on this, i was able to get it working, though i was using an Admin User - user name and password which doesn't have the Message Center Execution Access, i am now using the mc account for session token and security token, it is working fine
By default the transactional message technical workflows were also not started, i had to start them as well, The transactional message technical workflow Message Center local archiving after starting threw an error, i had to update the external account id from "local" to the primary key of the external account in the workflow properties script.
Any idea on how to create an sms template?
Shine v.v
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Can you search the documentation please
Hi @david--garcia , @dev_abhinav ,
Thank you for your help and support, i was able to send a transactional Email from post and received the email as well. since this was implemented for the first time all the technical workflows related to transactional messages were not started, which was also one of the issue. The operator MC had a different password which was an issue.
I have separate login collection in post man one for (session token and security token) and the other for push event from the (WSDL File of nms:rtEvent). Where i am manually making use of the (session token and security token) from the login SOAP API call and then calling the Push Event to send the Email from post man,
i have shared both the collections and the WSDL file to the third party team. They are asking for a login WSDL and i am not sure where to get the login WSDL file from. can anyone help me out?
Shine v.v
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Hi @ShineVv0823 ,
Not sure If I get this but there is no LOGIN WSDL, you can generate your session token using logon and use that generated session token.
Use WSDL generated from
-> LOGON to generate Session using MC operator
Now WSDL from
->PushEvent use generated session token and payload to send and receive messages.
Hope this helps!