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tel attribute in anhor tag's href not getting passed to campaign from AEM for click to call


Level 4

We are creating e-mails in AEM and importing them in Adobe Campaign using OOTB AEM AC integration. The issue is that the anchor tag when authored in AEM and sent to campaign, is not passed properly. This is the anchor tag in rich text editor in AEM -

<a style="color: #6c6c6c; text-decoration: underline;" class="tel" href="tel:1234567890">1234 567 890</a>

When the e-mail is approved and imported in campaign it gets converted to

<a style="color: rgb(108,108,108);text-decoration: underline;" class="tel" href="https://www-stage.testsite.com.aunull">1234 567 890</a>

the href - 'tel:1234567890' is not passed properly to campaign

Previously the tel tag was not rendering in AEM itself due to Antisamy issues and there was an error warning in AEM logs

The href attribute had a value of "tel&#58;1234567890". This value could not be accepted for security reasons. We have chosen to remove this attribute from the tag and leave everything else in place so that we could process the input.

But after editing the antisamy config file, this warning is not present in AEM while approving the e-mail, and the tel tag renders properly, but when campaign imports it , it formats the tel tag. The tag renders fine in AEM and it has already been added in link-checker configuration

<a style="color: rgb(108,108,108);text-decoration: underline;" class="tel" href="https://www-stage.testsite.com.aunull">1234 567 890</a>

Did anyone else face the same issue in AEM AC integration previously? I am hoping some-one would have faced this issue while doinf AEM and campaign integration and there will be a fix for this. Please let me know. THE AEM version is 6.1SP2 and Adobe Campaign in 6.1.1

1 Reply


Community Advisor

Hi Sapient,

On the top of my head, I believe the colon (:) character is by default in the list of forbidden characters in the serverConf.xml file of Adobe Campaign, you can try and remove it from the forbiddenCharsInAuthority list and perform an nlserver config -reload

Could be worth giving this a shot.

    <!-- Relay for HTTP requests between two zones

         debugRelay :  Start the HTTP relay module within the Web server in debug mode Default: false

         forbiddenCharsInAuthority :  List of forbidden characters in the 'authority' section of a URI Default: '.?#@/:'

         forbiddenCharsInPath :  List of forbidden characters in the 'path' section of a URI Default: '?#/'

         modDir :  List of files to be used during a query on a folder Default: 'index.html'

         startRelay :  Start the HTTP relay module Default: false

         startRelayInModule :  Start the HTTP relay module within the Web server. Default: true

         timeout :  Wait time before deleting banned url Default: '60' -->

    <relay debugRelay="false" forbiddenCharsInAuthority=".?#@/:" forbiddenCharsInPath="?#/"

           modDir="index.html" startRelay="false" startRelayInModule="true" timeout="60">