I have created a custom delivery channel for outbound messages. The problem I have is that the service provider is returning with an Message ID once the message has been received our failed to a jssp on the Adobe campaign server. How can I find the providerId that I set in the connector so I can match the status to a broadlog entry.
I use the following JS connector:
// Neolane Delivery Connector Methods
function processDeliveryPart(deliveryPart){
var msgs = <messages/>;
for each( var msg in deliveryPart.message ) {
var broadLogId = msg.@id.toString(); // always the "good" broadlog ID
var mobilePhone = msg.custom.recipient.@mobilePhone.toString().replace('+','').replace(/ /g,''); //Remove + and spaces
var address = msg.@address;
var messageId = send(mobilePhone, broadLogId, msg.mmsInternal); //Custom code for sending the message return the messageId that can be used later to reconcile the status repport.
msgs.appendChild(<message id={broadLogId} status="1" providerId={messageId} address={address}/>);
var errorMessage = e.toString();
msgs.appendChild(<message id={broadLogId} address={address} status="2" noRetry="false"
log={errorMessage} failureReason="20" failureType="1"/>);
return msgs;
// Useless here, but needed by Neolane
function getStatus(xml){
var msgs = <messages/>;
return msgs;
// Useless here, but needed by Neolane
function getMessages(xml){
var msgs = <messages/>;
return msgs;
Solved! Go to Solution.
Are you receiving any feedback immediately after sending the delivery?
If we receive the feedback with Unique identifier value attached immediately after sending message,This value can be saved against the broadLogs of delivery.
In the future whenever the Providers need to send notification they have to add this value which can help us with reconciliation.
hope it helps.
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Are you receiving any feedback immediately after sending the delivery?
If we receive the feedback with Unique identifier value attached immediately after sending message,This value can be saved against the broadLogs of delivery.
In the future whenever the Providers need to send notification they have to add this value which can help us with reconciliation.
hope it helps.
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