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round the percent


Level 5

Hi team, 


Is there a way to round the decimal points for the function below:


I tried adding round:

round((percent([indicators/@estimatedRecipientOpen],[indicators/@successWithoutSeeds]))*100, 2)

but it throws an error saying that the round function requires 2 or 3 arguments. Please suggest how I can achieve this.

<node expr="(percent([indicators/@estimatedRecipientOpen],[indicators/@successWithoutSeeds]))*100" alias="@OpenRate"/>

Thank you in advance.

3 Replies


Community Advisor

hHi @rvnth ,


Please try this way and let me know if it works


Round((Percent([indicators/@estimatedRecipientOpen],[indicators/@successWithoutSeeds]))*100, 2)





Level 5

Hi @LakshmiPravallika ,


Thank you. It worked, but for one delivery, the decimal is still not rounding off to two decimal places. Please advise.

