Having issues with retrieving a field value from a linked schema [lnkEventRegistrations/@eventLabelName]
var query = xtk.queryDef.create(<queryDef schema="nms:recipient" operation="select">
<node expr="@id"/>
<node expr="@cmOneID"/>
<node expr="@firstName"/>
<node expr="@lastName"/>
<node expr="[lnkEventRegistrations/@eventLabelName]" analyze="false" alias="@eventLabelName" sort="true"/>
<node expr="@emailPreferredName"/>
<node expr="@printPreferredName"/>
<node expr="@company"/>
<node expr="@email"/>
<condition expr="@id = 13245436"/>
</queryDef> );
var res = query.ExecuteQuery();
for each (var r in res.recipient) {
logInfo("r.@eventLabelName :"+r.@eventLabelName)
logInfo("r.@firstName :"+r.@firstName)
04/09/2021 01:20:59 js r.@firstName :David-Event
04/09/2021 01:20:59 js r.@eventLabelName : <----------- empty
The link seems to be working from the recipient schema as it returns data from sch:eventRegistrations, however, on the querydef script the value is empty.
This is whats returned on the querydef execution, the @eventLabelName is not present.
04/09/2021 01:20:59 js <recipient-collection> <recipient cmOneID="-812156815" company="" email="xxx@xxx.com" emailPreferredName="Dave" firstName="David-Event" id="13245436" lastName="Garcia-Event" printPreferredName="David G."/> </recipient-collection>
Here is the link definition from recipient to event registration.
<!-- Link to Relationship Manager Table -->
<element integrity="define" label="event Registrations" name="lnkEventRegistrations"
revLink="recipient" target="sch:eventRegistrations" type="link" unbound="true">
<join xpath-dst="@recipient-id" xpath-src="@id"/>
<!-- End Link to Relationship Manager Table -->
There is also a link on the event registration schema to recipient.
<element label="Recipients" name="recipient" target="nms:recipient" type="link"/>
Solved! Go to Solution.
so I run the following query
var query = xtk.queryDef.create(<queryDef schema="nms:recipient" operation="select"> <select> <node expr="@id"/> <node expr="@cmOneID"/> <node expr="@firstName"/> <node expr="@lastName"/> <node expr="@emailPreferredName"/> <node expr="@printPreferredName"/> <node expr="@company"/> <node expr="@email"/> <node expr="[location/@address1]" alias="@address1"/> <node expr="[location/@address2]" alias="@address2"/> <node expr="[location/@address3]" alias="@address3"/> <node expr="[location/@address4]" alias="@address4"/> <node expr="[location/@city]" alias="@city"/> <node expr="[location/@zipCode]" alias="@zipCode"/> <node expr="[lnkRelationshipManager/@firstName]+ ' ' + [lnkRelationshipManager/@lastName]" alias="@relationshipManager"/> <node expr="[eventRegistrations/@eventLabelName]" alias="@eventLabelName"/> <node expr="[lnkRelationshipManager/@schRelationshipManagerID]" alias="@rmid"/> <node expr="Iif([@clawfulBasis]=0,'Consent Removed',Iif([@clawfulBasis]=1,'None',Iif([@clawfulBasis]=2,'Legitimate Interest','Consent Given')))" alias="@lawfulBasis"/> <node expr="Iif(@blackList=1,'yes','no' )" alias="@blackList"/> <node expr="Iif(@eventOptinEmail=1,'yes','no' )" alias="@blackListEmail"/> <node expr="Iif(@eventOptinPost=1,'yes','no' )" alias="@blackListPostalMail"/> <node expr="@jurisdiction"/> <orderBy> <node expr="@firstName"/> </orderBy> </select> <where> <condition expr="@id = 13244476" /> </where> </queryDef> ); var res = query.ExecuteQuery();
on logging `logInfo(res)` the following I get.
<recipient-collection> <recipient address1="Adobe" address2="Old Street" address3="99" address4="Islington" blackList="no" blackListEmail="no" blackListPostalMail="no" city="London" cmOneID="-812156815" company="" email="davidxxx@xxx.com" emailPreferredName="David-Dgarcia" firstName="David-Testf" id="13244476" jurisdiction="SCPB - LON" lastName="Garcia-testl" lawfulBasis="None" printPreferredName="David G." relationshipManager="Adam Cavalier" rmid="2021" zipCode="SxxxST"> <eventRegistrations eventLabelName="Event dummy test"/> </recipient> </recipient-collection>
so is returning the eventLabelName and thought I could log it such as the following since I am using the alias, but didnt work.
for each (var r in res) { logInfo(r.@eventLabelName) }
so I end up using the following xpath and is working.
Hello @david--garcia Looks like the link created in event registration schema is also many to many. Create it as a single link and then do the query on event registration schema.
In your event registration schema the link should be like this.
<element label="Recipients" name="recipient" target="nms:recipient" type="link" revCardinality="single"/>
Now run the query def on event registration schema and pull data the from recipients.
The relationship between recipient and event registration is indeed 1:M, a recipient will be referenced in many event registrations.
If I need to run the queryDef from the recipient schema, will it not work?
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@david--garcia That will work as well.
so I run the following query
var query = xtk.queryDef.create(<queryDef schema="nms:recipient" operation="select"> <select> <node expr="@id"/> <node expr="@cmOneID"/> <node expr="@firstName"/> <node expr="@lastName"/> <node expr="@emailPreferredName"/> <node expr="@printPreferredName"/> <node expr="@company"/> <node expr="@email"/> <node expr="[location/@address1]" alias="@address1"/> <node expr="[location/@address2]" alias="@address2"/> <node expr="[location/@address3]" alias="@address3"/> <node expr="[location/@address4]" alias="@address4"/> <node expr="[location/@city]" alias="@city"/> <node expr="[location/@zipCode]" alias="@zipCode"/> <node expr="[lnkRelationshipManager/@firstName]+ ' ' + [lnkRelationshipManager/@lastName]" alias="@relationshipManager"/> <node expr="[eventRegistrations/@eventLabelName]" alias="@eventLabelName"/> <node expr="[lnkRelationshipManager/@schRelationshipManagerID]" alias="@rmid"/> <node expr="Iif([@clawfulBasis]=0,'Consent Removed',Iif([@clawfulBasis]=1,'None',Iif([@clawfulBasis]=2,'Legitimate Interest','Consent Given')))" alias="@lawfulBasis"/> <node expr="Iif(@blackList=1,'yes','no' )" alias="@blackList"/> <node expr="Iif(@eventOptinEmail=1,'yes','no' )" alias="@blackListEmail"/> <node expr="Iif(@eventOptinPost=1,'yes','no' )" alias="@blackListPostalMail"/> <node expr="@jurisdiction"/> <orderBy> <node expr="@firstName"/> </orderBy> </select> <where> <condition expr="@id = 13244476" /> </where> </queryDef> ); var res = query.ExecuteQuery();
on logging `logInfo(res)` the following I get.
<recipient-collection> <recipient address1="Adobe" address2="Old Street" address3="99" address4="Islington" blackList="no" blackListEmail="no" blackListPostalMail="no" city="London" cmOneID="-812156815" company="" email="davidxxx@xxx.com" emailPreferredName="David-Dgarcia" firstName="David-Testf" id="13244476" jurisdiction="SCPB - LON" lastName="Garcia-testl" lawfulBasis="None" printPreferredName="David G." relationshipManager="Adam Cavalier" rmid="2021" zipCode="SxxxST"> <eventRegistrations eventLabelName="Event dummy test"/> </recipient> </recipient-collection>
so is returning the eventLabelName and thought I could log it such as the following since I am using the alias, but didnt work.
for each (var r in res) { logInfo(r.@eventLabelName) }
so I end up using the following xpath and is working.
Hi @david--garcia ,
That is happening because the link you have with the eventRegistrations schema is a 1 to many relationship. It would return the eventLabelName had the link been a 1 to 1 relationship.