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Opening Seed Address in a delivery gives error


Level 2

Hello there,

When we try to open i.e. double click on a seed address on a delivery, it displays the following error.


2019-09-27 11:15:59.998+01 00000543 00004F3A   2 error log WDB-200001 SQL statement 'SELECT   R0.iRecipientId, R0.sLastName, R0.sFirstName, R0.sEmail, R0.sSalutation, R0.sMiddleName, R0.sAccount, R0.iStatus, R0.sCompany, R0.iGender, R0.sLanguage, R0.tsBirth, R0.iBlackList, R0.iFolderId, R0.iEmailFormat, R0.sMobilePhone, R0.sFax, R0.sPhone, R0.sOrigin, R0.sAddress1, R0.sAddress2, R0.sAddress3, R0.sAddress4, R0.sZipCode, R0.sCity, R0.sCountryCode, R0.sStateCode, AllNonNull3(text(R0.iRecipientId) , text(R0.iRecipientId) , text(R0.iRecipientId)), R0.iAddrErrorCount, R0.iAddrQuality, R0.tsAddrLastCheck, R0.sText1, R0.sText2, R0.sText3, R0.sText4, R0.sText5, R0.iBoolean1, R0.iBoolean2, R0.iBoolean3, F1.sLabel, F1.iFolderId, F1.sFullName, case when E'eng' = E'fra' then C2.sLabelFR else case when E'eng' = E'deu' then C2.sLabelDE else case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then C2.sLabelJA else C2.sLabelEN end end end, C2.sIsoA2, COALESCE(case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then NULL else COALESCE(S3.sCode, '') || E' - ' end, '') || COALESCE(case when E'eng' = E'fra' then S3.sLabelFR else case when E'eng' = E'deu' then S3.sLabelDE else case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then S3.sLabelJA else S3.sLabelEN end end end, ''), S3.sCode, S3.sCountryCode, case when E'eng' = E'fra' then C4.sLabelFR else case when E'eng' = E'deu' then C4.sLabelDE else case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then C4.sLabelJA else C4.sLabelEN end end end, case when E'eng' = E'fra' then C4.sLabelFR else case when E'eng' = E'deu' then C4.sLabelDE else case when E'eng' = E'jpn' then C4.sLabelJA else C4.sLabelEN end end end, C4.sIsoA2, R0.mData FROM NmsRecipient R0 JOIN XtkFolder F1 ON (F1.iFolderId = R0.iFolderId) LEFT JOIN NmsCountry C2 ON (C2.sIsoA2 = R0.sCountryCode) LEFT JOIN NmsState S3 ON (S3.sCode = R0.sStateCode AND S3.sCountryCode = R0.sCountryCode) LEFT JOIN NmsCountry C4 ON (C4.sIsoA2 = S3.sCountryCode) WHERE (R0.iRecipientId = :#(1)#)' could not be executed.\n  Param(0)=1784847615 (iRc=-2003)

2019-09-27 11:15:59.998+01 00000543 00004F3A   2 error log WDB-200011 The requested database record does not exist. (iRc=-2003)

2019-09-27 11:15:59.999+01 00000543 00004F3A   2 error log Cannot load document of type 'Recipients (nms:recipient)' satisfying condition '([/@id] = 1784847615)'. (iRc=-53)

Seems like, it is trying to look up for the seedMember in the recipient table. Please suggest. Thanks!



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 8

Hi Selva,

This is because Seed addresses do not belong to the recipients table,they are created in a separate table . If you extend the recipients table with new data, you have to extend the seed addresses table as well with the same data. Otherwise, they extended fields will not be taken into account for seed addresses.

check this for more details :

Use case: selecting seed addresses on criteria



View solution in original post

2 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 8

Hi Selva,

This is because Seed addresses do not belong to the recipients table,they are created in a separate table . If you extend the recipients table with new data, you have to extend the seed addresses table as well with the same data. Otherwise, they extended fields will not be taken into account for seed addresses.

check this for more details :

Use case: selecting seed addresses on criteria




Level 2

Hi Kapil,

Thanks for the details. Yes, we did extended nms:recipient schema and can include the similar extension on nms:seedMember. But, I don't quite understand the reason that it looks up in nms:recipient when it is supposed to look up in nms:seedMember? Am I missing something here? Thanks!

