Should be pretty straight forward, perhaps in the example I provided I forgot to enclose the value in quotes.
var language = English;
Hi @alnavarg
Could you please explain a bit more here.
As you can use conditional statements for fetching the desired records based on your filtering criterias.
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i like to know how can i do a split in js code to do a selection from deliveries depends on the laguage of the recipient
I believe this may be what you are after, using advanced javascript, you can create multiple transitions and activate whichever one meets the condition.
var language = English;
if(language == "English"){
} else {
We have problems with the postEvent, in the log puts invalid argument
What we need to write in there?
Should be pretty straight forward, perhaps in the example I provided I forgot to enclose the value in quotes.
var language = English;
Thanks and this helps me in split a delivery in diffrents languages?
Like this Query --> Javascript --> delivery ???