Hi Team,
We have observed that within Deliveries for a custom Target Mapping, delivery logs preview getting generated is with the query as follows:-
'SELECT top 201 B0.tsLastModified, B0.iStatus, B0.sAddress, B1.iFailureReason, B1.sText FROM AmcBroadLogrcp B0 JOIN NmsBroadLogMsg B1 ON (B1.iBroadLogMsgId = B0.iMsgId) ORDER BY B0.tsLastModified DESC'
due to which in the preview we are able to view the delivery logs for the targeted audience till date from the custom recipient table.
Ideally the preview query should be as follows:-
'SELECT top 201 B0.tsLastModified, B0.iStatus, B0.sAddress, B1.iFailureReason, B1.sText FROM AmcBroadLogrcp B0 JOIN NmsBroadLogMsg B1 ON (B1.iBroadLogMsgId = B0.iMsgId) WHERE ((B0.iDeliveryId = 20512877)) ORDER BY B0.tsLastModified DESC '
We are facing the above issue when we have more than 2 custom target mappings. Can you please let me know any suggestions to resolve the same.
Furthermore, we have used below link as a reference to create custom target mapping.
Target mapping
with regards,
Richa Chaubey