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Execution account workflow do not change ?


Level 1


When someone else wants to start my workflow (created by me under my operation), in the log part the user mentioned as starter is me. I would like to know if there is something to do to avoid this ?

We should have the "real" starter and not the creator of the workflow/campaign as starter in this specific case.

The execution login do not change.


4 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hi ZH,

The workflows inherit certain rights based on the owner. The owner of the workflow is the one who last modified it, as such when the workflow is started the logs assume the owner as the one who started the workflow.

That said, the simplest way to change this is for the person starting the workflow to make a minor change, such as adding and removing a space from a label or moving one of the activities slightly, then re-saving the workflow. This updates the last modified on the workflow and will result in a different user displaying when the workflow executes.
Outside of this, I don't know of any custom way to log who started the workflow.


Level 1

Hello Craig,

Thanks for the quick answer. I already tested this. The modification work "outside" the campaign. When we are modifying the workflow in the operation directly, this does not affect the starter.


Level 1

Hello @Sukrity_Wadhwa 


This is not solved ? why did you mark this as solved?





Thanks for letting me know. I will escalate this further among SMEs and get you more help here. 

Sukrity Wadhwa