We are frequenctly getting a lot of these errors:
1. Error: empty return for method 'ExecuteQuery' xtk:queryDef
2. Enpyt return for method ‘GetEntityIfMoreRecent’ of service 'xtk:persist'
We checked on the community for similar errors and found this:
Solved: Error: empty return for method 'ExecuteQuery' xtk:... - Adobe Experience League Community - ...
But we have the same client and server and everything mentioned in the above post is checked out.
Due to these errors we are also getting errors in jssp pages:
1__________________________________________________ INT-150012 The HTTP query returned a 'Forbidden' type error (403) <JSfunction> - Error while select <schema> record :0 ___________________________________________________
2___________________________________________________ <JS function> - Error while update <schema> record :119210626 - 119459925 - SOP-330012 Empty return for method 'Write' of service 'urn:xtk:session' _____________________________________________________
3____________________________________________________ :SOP-330012 Empty return for method 'ExecuteQuery' of service 'urn:xtk:queryDef' _____________________________________________________
4____________________________________________________<JS function> - Error while inserting <schema> record :358465841182 - EI - 119210626 - SOP-330012 Empty return for method 'Write' of service 'urn:xtk:session'
Any idea as to why we are getting these???? And what can be done to resolve this?
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Hi @sharma_nik
As mentioned please check the versions, they should be same. (If checked already) Could you also try to clear out cache (soft/hard) and try restarting the console.
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Hello Akshay
Thanks for your response. We have already tried the following:
1. Checked the versions, they are same.
2. Soft/hard cache clearence and restart done multiple times.
3. App Server restart also tried.
Still these errors come back again and again.
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