I am currently debugging AAM Destination URL implementations and how they behave with Analytics Server Side Forwarding.
Can anyone help me understand what "hr" and "id" represent in the response JSON shown below? Also, why does the "id" field have a timestamp appended to it?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Edit: I am not sure why every instance of the number 1 appears enlarged in the code block below.
if (s_c_il[1].doPostbacks)
"dests": [{
"hr": 1,
"id": "3098122-1594330662|3098123-1594330662|3265774-1594330662|3265775-1594330662",
"y": "img",
"c": "https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/viewthroughconversion/XXXXXXX/?guid=ON&;script=0&data=aam=16382040;16382114;16382040;16382114"
}, {
"hr": 1,
"id": "3139219-1594330662",
"y": "img",
"c": "https://www.facebook.com/tr/?id=XXXXXXX&ev=Purchase&cd[segID]=16460837&cd[brand]=XXXXXXX&noscript=1"