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Web SDK implementation - separating the Adobe Target and Analytics calls


Level 3

hi all, I want to dispatch a call to the Adobe Target with all the relevant parameters (at the moment I am only interested in pageName, but would like to expand to entity.id etc.) as soon as alloy library is ready (window.alloy is ready). 


I have tried the following:

  1. to set up a separate tag with the "eventType": "decisioning.propositionDisplay" and add pageName as xdm.web.webPageDetails.name - doesn't work!
  2. to set up a separate tag with the "eventType": "decisioning.propositionDisplay" and add pageName to the data obj - doesn't work either!

It seems like its not possible to separate AT and analytics calls at the moment. My main concern is that at some point (when we add more variables and some "extra" dependencies pop up) the analytics calls will become too heavy and will impact the AT performance. Please a advise. 

3 Replies


Level 10

Hi @Franc_G 

I think we had this before in the blog?


The WebSDK extension has a new feature called "Guided Events" which essentially is removes certain fields from the XDM that caused e.g., unwanted page views to fire when web.webPageDetails.name was set. So, that field can be set but will be removed from the call.


In your case, are you sure sending "data" on the same level as "xdm" does not work? This more or less the equivalent of context data in Adobe Analytics. A free form data object that should be accessible also from target. Target also has a dedicated section inside of "data" called "__adobe.target" where you can pass in target-relevant information for recommendations etc.

    xdm: {
      // ...  
    data: {
        // reserved for Adobe products
        "__adobe": {
            "target": {
                "entity.name": products[0].name,
        // some other free form data
        pageName: "fooBar"


Maybe this documentation helps: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/web-sdk/personalization/adobe-target/... 





Level 3

@bjoern__koth apologies for the lack of context - we are not using Launch, we are using Ensighten TMS. So, I will need to implement "Guided event(s)" manually. I just noticed that I was using the wrong event type

eventType: "decisioning.propositionDisplay"

instead of

eventType: "decisioning.propositionFetch"

Will do more testing. 


Level 3

@bjoern__koth my set up works fine with the 

eventType: "decisioning.propositionFetch"

type of events. No duplicate pageviews observed. Putting attributes into the data obj doesn't work for AT.