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Visits with no interaction


Level 1

Hi! I would like to create a segment that shows me how many Visits our site has with No interaction (interaction = eVar has not been set) and then apply this segment to different pages. 



Interaction = evar30


How do I create such a segment? Been trying with:

1) Container Visit = eVar30 does not exist

2) Container Visit = Visit (metric) exists and eVar30 exist (exklude)

and so on. 

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

So you're basically looking for visits that did not interact with evar30.


If you do option 1, in the visit it's going to look for a hit where evar30 doesn't exist. Once it finds it, it will include that visit. This means that if the visit has more than one hit, one with evar30 and one without evar30, because there is at least one hit where evar30 doesn't exist, it will include it. Meaning this isn't going to give you the result that you want.

If you do option 2, this is getting you in the right direction. You don't need to include the visit metric though. If you want visits that have no evar30, you would do this.




     evar30 exists


That would get rid of any visit that has any evar30, whether it fired or persisted. If you don't care about persisted values and just want to exclude visits where evar30 actually fired, instead of "evar30 exists" you would use the metric "evar30 instances exists". 


This article by Jen Dungan has a great overview of the difference between "does not exist" and "exclude". 


View solution in original post

7 Replies


Level 3

I think your first solution should work if you include visits where the eVar (such as eVar30) does not exist. When using the eVar dimension and using the "does not exist" operator the segment will include visits where the specified eVar is not set. 
Have you already  tried that and it did not work for you?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

The problem with this is that because there is more than one hit in a visit (typically). It will find a hit that doesn't have evar30 and include that visit, regardless of if any of the other hits in the visit do have evar30. It has to be an "exclude" instead of a "does not exist". 


Level 6

Have you tried with using Page Events doesn't exists? Are you specially targetting evar30 or all evars?




Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Even using "page event doesn't exist" would still give the same result. In order to not have any of a particular item returned in a visit segment, it has to be an exclude. Whether it's just evar30 or all evars, still works the same way.


Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

So you're basically looking for visits that did not interact with evar30.


If you do option 1, in the visit it's going to look for a hit where evar30 doesn't exist. Once it finds it, it will include that visit. This means that if the visit has more than one hit, one with evar30 and one without evar30, because there is at least one hit where evar30 doesn't exist, it will include it. Meaning this isn't going to give you the result that you want.

If you do option 2, this is getting you in the right direction. You don't need to include the visit metric though. If you want visits that have no evar30, you would do this.




     evar30 exists


That would get rid of any visit that has any evar30, whether it fired or persisted. If you don't care about persisted values and just want to exclude visits where evar30 actually fired, instead of "evar30 exists" you would use the metric "evar30 instances exists". 


This article by Jen Dungan has a great overview of the difference between "does not exist" and "exclude". 



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Yes, I agree with @MandyGeorge... does not exist is very different than exclude. (Thanks for linking my article!)


Level 1

Awesome, thank you!