Hi -
I'm trying to replicate a report built in Analytics via the API.
In the Data Warehouse in Analytics, I'm able to produce a visit-level data extract, which contains the visitor_id and visit_number - together a unique visit key, and a way to do further analysis offline on the visitor.
In the API, I can't find a way to do the same. Could anyone help? I've seen that some people put the visitor_id into an eVar, but that hasn't been set up on the sites I'm working with.
Any help on this or how to better do a bulk extract of data from analytics would be appreciated.
I'm trying to use v.1.4 of the API, using the Report.Queue method. I've also tried the Datawarehouse.Request method, but this seems to not have been implemented in 1.4, and doesn't seem to be fully functional in 1.3.