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UTM urls with out CID Codes not coming up in Analytics Report


Community Advisor

I have a UTM url like this https://xyz/event/ratio/summary?source=Website&detail=Banner 

when I check the debugger, the network call happens and I can see the exact URL flowing in the trace however why this URL doesn't come up in Page Dimension? 


In general, for campaigns UTMs with CID codes, I have classifications defined to break down the CID code to report on campaign performance  https://xyz/event/ratio/summary?source=Media&detail=RollWorks&cid=med-rol-evt-103122 And they come up in marketing channel details as well for breakdown and evaluations.


Then why don't I see the first UTM URL link with out CID codehttps://xyz/event/ratio/summary?source=Website&detail=Banner  in analytics reporting?



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5 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion



I am not sure what you mean by this URL isn't showing up in the "Page Dimension"? The Pages (or s.pageName) is traditionally a name (like "home", or "adobe experience league questions forum", etc) However, maybe you are passing the URL to your page dimension instead of a name?


You should first off note that the PageName dimension has a max character limit of 100 characters, so it's possible that its being truncated? Also, depending on your code, it's possible the URL is being manipulated (either in Launch, Processing Rules, VISTA Rules, etc).


Now, source and detail aren't exactly "UTMs", they are query string parameters, and they may be passing campaign data, but "UTMs" have a defined pattern of "utm_source=" etc... Not that this matters, but if you are expecting multiple types of campaign formats, have you accounted for this in your tracking; both for the s.campaign and for your Marketing Channel Processing Rules? Do you have contingencies IF the URL has two query systems, which takes priority? What happens if they conflict?


In an ideal world, you would choose one campaign system and stick with it....
But we rarely live in an ideal world and have to deal with the cards we are dealt...


You can of course process the different values, you may have to set up complex rules to deal with conflicts... you should work with your marketing team to make sure you have a clear process on what system is the most important (and therefore takes priority), and make sure that you have a clear understanding of how the values are all processed into the final collected data.



Community Advisor

@Jennifer_Dungan Yes, my Page dimension has Page URLs. I guess I understood a bit of what you are trying to say.

You are correct they are query string params what comes after "?"   ?source=Website&detail=Banner 


In my marketing channel processing rules, after "Paid" Detection and "Social Paid" channels, I have defined one more channel called "Other Campaigns" at the 7th position of the waterfall which captures what doesn't fall under Paid and Social Paid as below.



For this, I think I have to add one more rule by clicking "Add Rule" like below.??? But then I have action to follow as above to set channel value to CID. Or may be add one more channel to capture that?




Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Yes, everything that comes after the ? is a query parameter... "UTMs" are specifically named parameters (basically, "all cars are vehicles, but not all vehicles are cars" sort of thing)


Tracking your URL as your page name, depending on how many variations you have could be triggering some pages to fall under "low traffic" as @igupta pointed out... 



As for the Marketing Channel Rules, yes, you can add a second rule, remember the first rule takes precedence.. and right now, you are just passing the "all in one CID" to your Details....  but with multiple params of "source" and "detail" (you can't really do both here); you might need to create a parameter that concatenates these into one, so that you can capture both as part of your Marketing Channel Detail.... and instead of setting to the query string value, you set to your tracking dimension...


But keep in mind, when you have both CID and Source/Detail, the values may conflict... creating confusion about what your marketing source actually is....


Level 6

Hi @JyotiSharmaV ,

In addition to everything that Jen has mentioned, if you are specifically missing this URL where you expect this to be, I suggest you use Data Warehouse to extract the dimension values as this might be lost to low traffic.





Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Good point... Campaigned URLs are more susceptible to low traffic due to all the differing parameters... Having an actual Page Name (no matter what params) and other "roll up" type page tracking in addition to the diverse URLs can help to alleviate losses like that.