Has anyone else noticed unexpected fluctuations in link click instances? These are not organic changes and I can confirm that by comparing volumes of next page loads for the same interaction.
Here is an example:
Interaction is a customer clicking a specific link that takes you from Page A to Page B
Using Next Page to report the volume, the number is consistently 100 per day. Using link click instances is normally 90 per day, which is lower but has been consistent (expected).
Then one day that link click instance number drops to 70 per day and stays there even though the next page volumes have remained the same at 100.
I am not expecting and never would expect a 1:1 relationship between the two as there are a lot of moving parts. But what I am expecting is a somewhat consistent relationship between the two different metrics which measure essentially the same interaction.
In the past 12 months, I've seen over inflated link click instance volumes and now all of a sudden under-reporting of link click instance volumes.
I've searched high and low for anything internal that may have caused this relationship to change, but have not found anything. One thing I did find interesting is that Microsoft browser noticed zero decline, but everything else followed the same trend.
Any help appreciated! Thanks